Modification Order subsidies for craftsmen and craft companies 2019

On July 4, 2020, the "Order of the Ministry of Business, Industry and Spokesperson amending the term of execution and justification of the subsidies called by Order of March 27, 2019 of the Ministry of Employment, Universities, Business and the Environment for individual artisans and craft companies in the Region of Murcia and by Order of May 22, 2019 of the Ministry of Employment, Universities, Business and the Environment for artisan associations without for-profit organization in the Region of Murcia affected by the consequences of the health emergency caused by COVID-19 and by the measures adopted in the declaration of the state of alarm.

This Order affects the subsidies corresponding to the year 2019 and that have been entered in the first quarter of this year, and that, due to the Pandemic caused by COVIB-19 and the consequent economic slowdown, has prevented you from executing the actions for which you requested aid.

For this reason, from the General Directorate of Consumption and Crafts, it has been necessary to modify the Order of Call for subsidies to individual artisans and craft companies in the Region of Murcia (excerpt published in BORM No. 77, of 3 April 2019).

This modification affects the execution and justification deadlines, in such a way that with said modification the deadlines are as follows:

Artisans and craft companies:

  • Investment execution period:

From April 1, 2020, until September 30, 2021. (18 months)

  • Investment justification period:

From October 1, 2021, until December 30, 2021. (3 months)

For any questions, you can contact the staff of the Craft Service.

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