Resources for Artisans



Conceder subvenciones, a otorgar en régimen de concurrencia especial, previsto en el artículo 22 de la Ley 7/2005, de 18 de noviembre, de Subvenciones de la Comunidad Autónoma de la Región de Murcia, a los artesanos/as individuales y empresas artesanas, que cumplan con las condiciones establecidas en la Ley 1/2014, de 13 de marzo, de Artesanía de la Región de Murcia, modificada por la Ley 9/2015, para que los talleres artesanos diseñen e innoven, potencien su actividad productiva, mejoren la seguridad y calidad de sus talleres y productos, y aumenten su comercializacion.


1.- The beneficiaries of the subsidies convened by this Order may be the artisan companies and individual artisans that are considered Micro companies, in the category of SMEs (in accordance with the definition established in Regulation (EU) No. 651 /2014 of the Commission, of June 17, 2014), with a workforce of less than 10 workers, dedicated to the production of artisan products in accordance with Law 1/2014, of March 13, on Crafts in the Region of Murcia, modified by Law 9/2015, of March 24, and the regulations that develop it; and whose craft workshop is located in the Region of Murcia.

2. Applicants in whom some of the circumstances listed in article 13.2 of Law 38/2003, of November 17, General Subsidies, may not be beneficiaries of the subsidies regulated in this order, in the cases that are applicable .

3. In no case may companies in crisis be beneficiaries of the subsidies contained in this Order, according to the definition established in the Community Guidelines on State Aid for the Rescue and Restructuring of Non-Financial Companies in Crisis (2014/C 249/ 01) (Official Gazette No. 244, of July 31, 2014).

4. Groups of individuals or legal entities, public or private, community property or any other type of economic unit or separate patrimony, even without legal personality, may access the condition of beneficiaries, provided that it is expressly stated both in both in the application and in the award resolution, the execution commitments assumed by each member of the group, as well as the amount of the subsidy to be applied by each one of them. In any case, a sole representative or agent of the group must be appointed, with sufficient powers to fulfill the obligations that, as beneficiary, correspond to the group. The group may not be dissolved until the legal statute of limitations has elapsed for the demand for reinstatement, as well as for the determination of infractions and imposition of sanctions.

5. The applicants will not have, prior to the issuance of the concession Resolution proposal, tax debts in the executive payment period with the Public Administration of the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia, unless they are suspended or guaranteed, and must be up to date. Current tax and Social Security obligations, in accordance with the provisions of article 11 of Law 7/2005 on subsidies of the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia and articles 13 and 14 of Law 38/2003 , of November 17, General Grants.

6. The accreditation of these requirements will be carried out by means of a responsible declaration of subsidy (according to the model in Annex I).

7. The beneficiaries must adopt the appropriate publicity of the public nature of the financing of the investments or actions of any type that are the subject of a subsidy, in the terms provided in the corresponding subsidy granting resolutions.

Recipients: Citizenship and Companies and other Entities.

Podrán ser beneficiarios de las subvenciones convocadas por la presente Orden, las empresas artesanas y artesanos/as individuales que tengan la consideración de Micro empresa, en la categoría de PYME (de conformidad con la definición establecidas en el Reglamento (UE) n.º 651/2014 de la Comisión, de 17 de junio de 2014), dedicados a la elaboración de productos artesanos conforme la Ley 1/2014, de 13 de marzo, de Artesanía de la Región de Murcia, modificada por la Ley 9/2015, y el reglamento correspondiente; y cuyo taller artesano se localice en la Comunidad Autónoma de la Región de Murcia. Podrán acceder a la condición de beneficiarios las agrupaciones de personas físicas o jurídicas, públicas o privadas, las comunidades de bienes o cualquier otro tipo de unidad económica o patrimonio separado, aun careciendo de personalidad jurídica, siempre que se haga constar expresamente tanto en la solicitud como en la resolución de concesión, los compromisos de ejecución asumidos por cada miembro de la agrupación, así como el importe de subvención a aplicar por cada uno de ellos. En cualquier caso, deberá nombrarse un representante o apoderado único de la agrupación, con poderes bastantes para cumplir las obligaciones que, como beneficiario, corresponden a la agrupación. No podrá disolverse la agrupación hasta que haya transcurrido el plazo legal de prescripción para la exigencia de reintegro, así como para la determinación de infracciones e imposición de sanciones.

Immediate processing: No

Periodicity: Subject to call

Submission Deadline: Open

  • Presentación de solicitud: 18/03/2024 hasta 14/06/2024

El plazo de presentación de solicitudes será de sesenta días hábiles a partir del día siguiente de la publicación del extracto de la orden de esta convocatoria en el Boletín Oficial de la Región de Murcia.


Premios de Artesanía de la Región de Murcia



Give institutional recognition, at the highest level, to those actions recognized as excellent and exemplary in the field of crafts, and to promote the development and competitiveness of artisans, companies, students and public and private entities or organizations so that they are encouraged innovation, design and the ability to adapt to the market in the world of crafts.


  • Podrán participar todas las personas físicas o jurídicas que tengan un establecimiento productivo o centro de actividad en la Región de Murcia, o realizar estudios en una de las Escuelas y/o Universidades de la Región de Murcia.
  • Prize categories:
    • Regional Craft Award. Artisans registered Artisan Registry Aesthetics or Food.
    • Premio Producto Artesano. Artesanos inscritos Registro Artesano  en la sección de artesanía creativa. Productos realizados 2 años anteriores.
    • Artisan Entrepreneurship Award. Artisan Company or Services registered Artisan Registry. Age 5 years.
    • Promociona Craft Award for private entities. Any company or association.
    • Promociona Craft Award for public entities. City council or public entity.
    • Belén Artesano Award Artisans registered in the Aesthetic Artisan Registry.
    • Premio de Artesanía de Alimentación. Artesanos inscritos Registro Artesano en la sección de Bienes de Consumo (Alimentación).
    • New Talent Award. Students Schools of Art and Design and Universities.
Destinatarios: Ciudadanía, Empresas y otras Entidades y Administración.

Immediate processing:



Subject to call

Submission Deadline:


Responsible Organic Unit (and code DIR3)


Promotion of Crafts in the Region of Murcia

Activities to disseminate and promote the artisan sector in the regional territory, carried out by companies, associations, individuals and other groups, with artisans or artisan products registered in the Artisan Registry of the Region of Murcia.
  • This is a request to organize, in collaboration with the General Directorate responsible for Crafts, activities to promote Crafts in the territorial scope of the Region of Murcia, whether they are activities carried out in open spaces or in closed areas, with registered artisans. in the Artisan Registry of the Region of Murcia.
  • The The request is prior to the performance of the activity, it must be made at least three months before the performance of the activity and requires prior authorization through a Resolution of the General Directorate responsible for Crafts.
  • The promotion It will be carried out only with the artisans registered in the Artisan Registry or, failing that, with products made by the artisans registered in the aforementioned Registry..
  • You can inspect the activity any of the days of the event, to verify that what is stated in the responsible statement is complied with and above all with the legislation and regulations of the Crafts of the Region of Murcia.
  • The activity may be suspended in case of public interest or cause of force majeure.

Some evaluation criteria are established, which are the following:

  1. Concordance of the activity with the programs of conservation, promotion, development and modernization of crafts from 0 to 3 points.
  2. Quality and Innovation of the activity to be developed from 0 to 5 points.
  3. Be registered in the Artisan Registry of the Region of Murcia, from 0 to 2 points.

Recipients: Citizenship, Companies and other Entities and Administration. Persons, natural or legal.

Immediate processing: No

Periodicity: Continuous

Submission Deadline: Open

The term for the filing of the appeal will be one month, counting from the notification before the competent Counselor in matters of Crafts.

Register of Artisans

The Artisan Registry of the Region of Murcia is unique, of an administrative nature, of a public nature, with voluntary and free registration.

The registry is made up of the following sections:

– Individual Artisans. Self-employed craftsmen and craft companies. Companies constituted by workers who carry out an artisan trade.

– Master craftsmen. With 10 years of proven experience in the trade.

– Honorary craftsmen. Retirees who carry out an artisan activity.

– Honorary master craftsman. People linked to craftsmanship with proven dedication.

– Craft associations. Non-profit entities made up of artisans and craft companies.

– Entities at the service of crafts. Companies that offer services to the craft sector, marketing, design, innovation, technical assistance, control and testing, training, installation and/or maintenance, social action or others.

Requirements to be a craftsman from the Region of Murcia:

– Carry out the craft activity in accordance with the Repertoire of Craft Trades.

– Have the workshop in the Region of Murcia.

– Be registered in the Tax on Economic Activities.

– Descriptive report of the production process, with photographs of the process and final product.

– For companies: Deed of incorporation, CIF of the same and TC2.

– For the self-employed: Certificate of registration in a municipality in the Region of Murcia and being registered in the Social Security Self-Employed Regime.

– Product safety certificates for their placing on the market.

Standards Craft Centers

The marketing company of the Regional Crafts Centers, Salzillo Servicios Integrales SLU, intends to increase their sales, at the request of the General Directorate responsible for Crafts.

The objective is for the Regional Crafts Centers to function as with any other commercial establishment, with the artisans being their providers, for which we seek your collaboration to organize demonstrations and workshops that constitute a focus of attraction for the public and revert to a sales increase.

Exhibition and sale rules: 

  • The products that are exhibited will be selected by those responsible for the Centers among the artisans registered in the Artisan Registry in the Aesthetics and Creation section, as well as consumer goods.
  • All the products on display can be sold with a card and cash or through online sales.
  • The managing company of these will be able to make the pertinent photographs and description of the product for its commercialization.
  • Artisans will issue customer invoices in cash for all the products they sell in the Regional Craft Centers.
  • The management company of the Regional Craft Centers will make the income from your sales in the account number that they have provided for this purpose. For this, it is necessary that they provide the bank account certificate issued by their branch, as well as complete income authorization at your CCC. If you need to change your bank, you must notify us by email to
  • The prices of the products will be adjusted to the market, and may be agreed jointly between the craftsman and the marketing company, as established in Decree No. 101/2002 of June 14, which approves the General Development Regulation of the Artisan Law in its Article 51: exhibition and sales (in the Regional Craft Centers): 2. “Artisans who sell their products in the Craft Centers will be obliged to: a) Exhibit their products in all the Craft Centers. b) Present the best quality produced by the craftsman. c) Do not sell their products at higher prices than those sold in public stores. d) The products presented that lack sufficient quality will be withdrawn from the exhibition and sale by the General Directorate responsible for Crafts.
  • Those responsible for the Centers will be able to talk to the supplying artisans (artisans registered in the Artisan Registry in the Aesthetics and Creation or consumer goods section) so that they can withdraw the products that have not been sold for more than a year or discount them. of price to place them in the Outlet Zone.
  • All the products that the artisans bring to the center will be reflected in their corresponding delivery note, providing the retail price and the 20% will be deducted from this price as a commission for the commercialization of their product.
  • Any new product delivered by each artisan will preferably be accompanied by a photograph on a neutral and smooth background (black or white, without fabric). These images, or others of the product made by the staff of the Centers, may be used for marketing tasks in possible posters, catalogs, online sales, RRSS and the like, without prior notice to the supplier (artisan) to facilitate their marketing. . It will also provide the description of the product so that it can be included in its product file.
  • Artisans will notify any data that may be of interest to buyers: materials, production processes, famous clients, places where they have purchased their products, company resume, in order to promote and disseminate their craft activity.
  • The orders to the artisans will be made in writing, via email, after conversation, constituting an acquired commitment that cannot be broken except in cases of force majeure and notifying it as far in advance as possible. If a craftsman undertakes to carry out an order that has been notified to him by the staff of the Centers, and, for whatever reason, he could not have it on time and did not notify it sufficiently in advance, thus causing serious prejudice to the image of the Regional Craft Centers and the rest of the artisans who exhibit there, it will be removed from the sale and marketing of products, remaining only as an exhibition to the public.
  • Artisans must request a report on the sales made in the Craft Centers from the staff of the centers, in order to bill the products sold.
  • Any deterioration, breakage or loss of the pieces of the artisans will be borne by them, without the possibility of claiming the management company of the Centers or the Administration, according to Article 53 of Decree 101/2002 of June 14 by the that the General Regulations for the Development of the Craft Law are approved: “Article 53.- Insurance for craft products: each Center will have insurance that covers fire, theft, acts of vandalism, water damage and others, not including theft and accidental breakages.”
  • Before serving products in the Regional Craft Centers, craftsmen must contact the person in charge of each of the centers in order to be assigned a prior appointment to receive their products, in this way they will always be attended to the time of labeling and placing your products in the store.

The reception of merchandise will be carried out as follows:

  • The delivery note will be checked, leaving a copy for the Center and another stamped for the craftsman. If the box does not contain a delivery note, it will not be accepted.
  • The box will be opened checking the condition of the pieces.
  • In the case of an order made by the staff of the Center, it will be verified that the delivered pieces correspond to the order.


  • All products deposited in the Regional Craft Centers must be previously labeled according to Law 1/2014, of March 13, on Crafts in the Region of Murcia. The concept and description of artisan labeling is detailed below:
    When a product is identified as handicraft or artisan or artisan and is exposed for sale, being manufactured in the Region of Murcia, it must be accompanied by a label in the language of the country where the product is marketed.

Including the Crafts Region of Murcia Brand:

The mandatory data that must be indicated on the label will be:

  • The generic name of the product with the addition of the term handicraft, craftsman or craftswoman.
  • The identification and address of the manufacturer, distributor, seller or importer.
  • The composition and purpose of the product.
  • The origin of the product.
  • Lot identification.
  • Instructions for use, if necessary.
  • The warning about foreseeable risks, if necessary.

The additional data that you can indicate on the label will be:

  • The producer's artisan registration number.
  • Identification of the parts of the final product that are handcrafted (Example: Cup Carved in glass. Craftsman=Carving).
  • References of the safety or quality tests to which the product has been subjected, identifying the control body or laboratory that endorses the product certification.
  • In the case of handcrafted products that require CE marking for which there is a specific regulation (Example: handcrafted lamp or handcrafted toy), the CE marking will be added with the data required by the applicable legislation.
    If, due to the small size of the artisan product, it is not possible to include all the mandatory data on the label, it will be mandatory to issue an artisan declaration that accompanies the product, or to carry out the labeling of QR barcodes.

Application and Declaration Responsible Activities in the Regional Craft Centers

Exhibition and sale rules.

Legislation of Crafts of the Region of Murcia

The artisan activity is regulated by Law 1/2014, of March 13, on Crafts in the Region of Murcia, there are currently 131 artisan trades and they are classified as:

– Creative crafts.

– Food crafts.

– Social crafts.

– Companies at the service of crafts.


Lines of action for the Innovation and Modernization of Crafts in the Region of Murcia

The Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia, through the Ministry and General Directorate responsible for crafts, has drawn up these lines of action for the Innovation and Modernization of Crafts in the Region of Murcia.
The lines are intended to be a guide to innovate and modernize the artisan sector in the Region of Murcia, encompassing the entire artisan cycle (design, production, marketing, communication and presentation of crafts, employment and awareness) for its adaptation to new market demands. , starting from an in-depth analysis of the sector in which all the agents involved participate, detecting its weaknesses and highlighting its strengths.
These lines introduce R+D+i throughout the process, as the sector is aware of the economic and social transformation that has occurred with globalization, which requires constant adaptation to the requirements of the
The seven large blocks into which the lines of action are divided arise from an in-depth analysis of the very structure of the artisan sector:

  1. DESIGN.

Promotion of Crafts outside the Region of Murcia

It refers to all kinds of events organized by the Public Administration or private organizations and whose purpose is the promotion of the Crafts of the Region of Murcia outside the territory of the Autonomous Community.

¿Cómo registrar tu marca o nombre comercial?

  1. Búsqueda de disponibilidad: Antes de registrar tu marca, es importante verificar que el nombre que deseas no esté ya registrado por otra empresa. Puedes realizar esta búsqueda en la Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcas (OEPM).
  2. Solicitud de registro: Una vez verificado que el nombre está disponible, debes presentar la solicitud de registro de marca ante la OEPM. Puedes hacerlo de forma presencial o telemática.
  3. Examen de la solicitud: La OEPM examinará tu solicitud para comprobar que cumple con los requisitos legales. En caso de que haya algún problema, te notificarán para que puedas subsanarlo.
  4. Publicación en el Boletín Oficial de la Propiedad Industrial (BOPI): Si la solicitud es aceptada, se publicará en el BOPI para que terceros puedan presentar oposiciones en un plazo determinado.
  5. Concesión del registro: Si no hay oposiciones o estas son desestimadas, la OEPM concederá el registro de tu marca y te expedirá el correspondiente título.
  6. Vigilancia y renovación: Una vez registrada tu marca, es importante vigilar su uso por terceros para proteger tus derechos. Además, recuerda que el registro de marca tiene una duración de 10 años, tras los cuales deberás renovarlo.

Guide to procedures and services for Artisans
