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The craft more and more present.

The Artisan Portal of the Region of Murcia es el escaparate web que la Consejería de Empresa, Empleo y Economía Social, a través de la Dirección General de Impulso al Comercio, Innovación Empresarial e Industrias y Oficios Artesanales, pone a disposición de los ciudadanos para la promoción y comercialización de la artesanía regional.

Here you can buy the products of the Artesan@s of the Region of Murcia that you can find in the Regional Craft Centers: traditional and creative ceramics, nativity scenes, costume jewelry, jewelry, scarves, fans, decorative objects, glass, stationery, illustrated books , paintings, sculptures and much more.

In it you will be able to obtain all the necessary information on legislation regarding crafts; registration in the Artisan Registry; craft fairs, shows and markets; places of acquisition of artisan products, highlighting the Regional Craft Centers located in the cities of Murcia, Cartagena and Lorca; location of workshops and much more information.