Up to 12,000 euros in aid to SMEs for electronic commerce projects

These grants have a total budget of 300,000 euros and cover up to 75% of the project

Aid for SMEs in the Region for the implementation of electronic commerce projects may be requested from this Tuesday. This aid line will be processed by the Development Institute of the Region of Murcia (Info), under the name 'TIC electronic commerce check', and aims to promote the implementation of technological innovation projects in the face of the consequences of the economic crisis caused by Covid-19.

These aids have a total budget of 300,000 euros and are intended for the development of projects for the creation or adaptation of the company's website to provide it with electronic commerce functionalities, its integration with the rest of the information system and the implementation of analytical tools that allow conclusions to be drawn from the sales made and facilitate decision making. They also include the development of specific e-commerce applications for tablets and smartphones, and their interconnection with the company's internal information system. The investment for the implementation of this type of project will be subsidized up to 75%, with up to 12,000 euros of aid per beneficiary.

These aids for SMEs, whose activity object of the project must be located in the Region of Murcia, are co-financed to 80% with ERDF funds from the European Union and must be requested through the electronic headquarters of Info, www.institutofomentomurcia.es/infodirecto.

- Announcement_

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