The Murcia Regional Crafts Center obtains the first Sicted prize in the most competitive tourist service category

The award, which will be presented next month at Fitur, recognizes the continuous improvement in the quality of the service offered to customers.

The Murcia Regional Center for Crafts has won first prize in the XIII Edition of the Integral System of Spanish Tourist Quality in Destinations Awards (Sicted), in the category of most competitive tourist service. This award recognizes the continuous improvement in the quality of the tourist service offered to clients. The awards ceremony will be held on January 19, in Madrid, within the framework of the Fitur International Tourism Fair.

Sicted is a program developed by the Secretary of State for Tourism whose purpose is the integral and permanent management of quality in a tourist destination. The Crafts Center, which is managed by the General Directorate of Consumption and Crafts, dependent on the Ministry of Employment, Business, Universities and Spokesperson, has been part of the Sicted quality program since December 2006. Among other things, it has implemented good practices tourist and renews them annually.

The general director of Consumption and Crafts, Sonia Moreno, explained that "for the awarding of the prize, criteria such as the commitment to training, continuous improvement, participation in the activities organized by Sicted, involvement in bodies and entities have been evaluated. management, the use of local resources in the supply of products and services, and the commitment to improving sustainability”.

The Murcia Craft Center, which is 30 years old, allows you to buy any product made by artisans officially registered in the Craft Registry of the Region of Murcia, and also has online sales, through the web of Crafts. The Center also offers temporary exhibitions, guided tours, workshops and live demonstrations.

Thanks to his adherence to the Sicted project, every year he carries out a detailed analysis of his annual activity and sets goals to surpass himself the following year.

In 2020, the Murcia Regional Crafts Center was one of the pioneers in participating in the pilot project of remote Sicted evaluations and obtained the Covid 2020 Good Practices Certificate.

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