The Craft Awards of the Region of Murcia receive 38 applications for participation

The awards have eight categories in which the artisan product, new talents, entrepreneurship, the promotion of crafts, nativity scenes and food products are distinguished.

The General Directorate of Consumption and Crafts has received 38 requests to participate in the Craft Awards of the Region of Murcia. Seven have been the interested parties who have presented candidacy to participate in more than one category and 20 candidates in a single category.

The general director Sonia Moreno stressed that “these awards are institutional recognition at the highest level for those actions recognized as excellent in the field of crafts. They promote the development and competitiveness of artisans, companies and entities or organizations, and encourage innovation, design and the ability to adapt to the market”.

These awards aim to give prestige to craftsmanship, presenting it in an environment of quality and excellence, to recognize the merits of those craftsmen and companies that, preserving tradition, stand out for their creativity, social and environmental responsibility, adaptation to the market and capacity for innovation, At the same time, entrepreneurship is encouraged.

The awards have eight categories: the Regional Craft Award, which recognizes the set of a work and consolidated career; the Artisan Product Award, which distinguishes those artisan products or collections made and marketed in the last two years; the Artisan Entrepreneurship Award, which recognizes the craftsman who has stood out for the introduction of new concepts of design, innovation, distribution and marketing; the Promociona Artesanía Award for Private Entities, which distinguishes entities that present programs, campaigns or initiatives to promote crafts; the Promociona Artesanía Prize for Public Entities, aimed at entities or public organizations that present programs, campaigns or initiatives to promote crafts; the Belén Artesano Prize for artisan products or collections; the Food Craft Award, which recognizes those artisans and their products that are consistent with factors of competitiveness in the food sector; and the New Talents Award, intended for those students from the Region who present an artisan project with a description, plans and budget.

The Regional Craft Prize is awarded with 3,000 euros. The rest of the categories have an economic endowment of 1,500 euros, except for the Promociona Artesanía Prize for Public Entities, which does not have an endowment.

A jury made up of professionals from the sector will study all the candidatures and cast their vote to determine the winners.

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