The most artisan Holy Week arrives at the Murcia Regional Craft Center

Starting this Monday, the Regional Crafts Center of Murcia hosts the exhibition 'A different way of living Holy Week', by the Hermanos Simón artisan company, and which can be visited until April 13, sources from the Community reported in a Press release.

Hermanos Simón is registered in the Artisan Registry of the Region of Murcia in the trade of molder of resin figures since 2006 and makes all kinds of steps or thrones and miniature figures of penitents for brotherhoods and fraternities nationwide.

The exhibition is made up of dioramas of the exit from the passage of the canopy of Esperanza de la Macarena and of the brotherhood of Los Dolores de Fuente Álamo; different steps of the national Holy Week, as well as some 200 original clay pieces. This exhibition is part of the activities organized on the occasion of the European Days of Crafts.

The opening ceremony of the exhibition was attended by the general director of Consumption and Crafts, Sonia Moreno, and the mayor of Yecla, Remedios Lajara.

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