The general director of Consumption and Crafts delivers the awards of the IV Regional Nativity Scene Contest

The general director of Consumption and Crafts, Sonia Moreno, presented this morning the awards to the winners of the IV Regional Nativity Scene Contest, in which 45 participants opted for this recognition.

The objective of this contest, organized by the International Network Belencribs Association and promoted by the General Directorate of Consumption and Crafts, is to "revive the tradition of interpreting the sacred writings in art", according to Moreno.

When assessing the works, the jury has taken into account aspects such as staging, perspective, lighting, the representation of places in the Region of Murcia and that the figures are made by regional nativity scenes.

The first prizes for each category have been for the Purisima Parish Nativity Scene (Murcia) (Parishes); Amparo Ortega del Pueblo (Archena) (Individuals); Nativity Scene Association La Alberca de las Torres (Murcia) (Associations and orchard clubs); Comarcal Azorín public school (Cartagena) (Schools); José Ángel Pérez Ruíz (Murcia) (Artistic) and San Javier City Council (City Halls).

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