Consumption organizes circular economy and recycling workshops for schoolchildren

They are free and are held on Saturdays until December 11 at the Murcia Craft Center

The General Directorate of Consumption and Crafts has organized a series of free circular economy and recycling workshops for schoolchildren in the Region of Murcia.

The workshops are held on Saturdays, from November 20 to December 11, and last one hour, in two shifts, at 11:15 a.m. and 12:15 p.m., at the Murcia Craft Center .

The general director of Consumption and Crafts, Sonia Moreno, indicated that "the objective of these workshops is to make children aware of responsible consumption habits and the importance of recycling, reusing and reducing consumption, through games."

In the workshops, the participants will make a cloth octopus with recycled material using scraps that are easily found at home and will work on concepts such as reducing the consumption of what is not necessary, reusing objects that are in good condition for their purpose or for a different one, recycling, redesigning clothes and toys and thinking before acting and buying.

To participate, it is necessary to register minors by sending an email to with the name and surname of the child, age, telephone number, date and time of the requested workshop, and whether they attend on their own or through a school. .

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