The Nativity Scene Associations of the Region, in favor of protecting nativity scenes and declaring it Intangible Cultural Heritage

The general director of Consumption and Crafts, Sonia Moreno, met this morning with the representatives of the Nativity Scene Associations of the Region of Murcia with the aim of adopting a common strategy among all the agents involved to protect, promote and spread the culture of Belen. This initiative is carried out after the publication in the Official State Gazette (BOE), by the General Directorate of Fine Arts, dependent on the Ministry of Culture, of the start of the procedures to declare the nativity scene as a representative manifestation of cultural heritage. immaterial.

Moreno made it clear that within the cultural values that the nativity scene brings, they highlight "sharing a collective identity present in all Spanish regions and its contribution to the transmission of knowledge of popular culture, showing traditional trades and ways of life sometimes already disappeared, and the preservation of artisan trades”.

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