The XXXV edition of the Christmas Craft Show, located on the Paseo Alfonso X El Sabio de Murcia, has a charitable character this year, since it will help the residents of the municipalities affected by the dana. Thus, through the campaign 'Clay destroys and clay creates', clay trays with the image of fish have been put up for sale, made by users of the Association of Parents and Protectors of the Mentally Disabled of Murcia (Aspapros), which can be purchased for 5 and 10 euros during the days that the exhibition is open. The proceeds from this solidarity campaign will be delivered in full to the Red Cross, the entity in charge of delivering aid to those affected by the dana.

The Minister of Business, Industry and Spokesperson, Ana Martínez Vidal, opened the exhibition today, together with the Mayor of Murcia, José Ballesta, and highlighted its charitable nature, while thanking Aspapros for its work.

The Christmas Craft Show will remain open until January 5. Its opening hours are from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., with the exception of December 25 and January 1, which will remain closed, as well as the afternoons of the days December 24 and 31.

In it, 74 artisans, from 18 municipalities in the Region of Murcia, show their products, along with three NGOs and an institutional space to promote and disseminate regional crafts. In addition, a series of parallel activities has been scheduled with demonstrations, craft workshops for children and adults and tastings of typical regional products. Within this framework, the NGO 'Solidarity Responses' will carry out a demonstration of native crafts from other parts of the world at the institutional stand. Specifically, artisan women from the city of Piura in Peru will work with toquilla straw.

Statements by the Minister of Business, Industry and Spokesperson, Ana Martínez Vidal, at the opening of the Christmas Craft Show, in Alfonso X El Sabio:

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