Grants for innovation and digitization projects

The General Directorate of Consumption and Crafts, informs that it has been published in the BORM of today, Wednesday, July 1, 2020, the Order of June 25, of the Ministry of Business, Industry and Spokesperson, which regulates the bases for the granting of aid to innovation and digitization projects presented by micro-enterprises and the self-employed to alleviate the effects of the COVID-19 crisis and contribute to their reactivation and incorporation into the innovative ecosystem of the Region of Murcia.

The General Directorate competent to process the applications is that of Commerce and Business Innovation, located at C/ San Cristóbal de Murcia, Telephone 968362280.

This is the granting of subsidies, under a competitive system, for the implementation of innovation and digitization projects by Self-Employed and Micro SMEs with one of the following purposes:

1. The innovation of Self-employed and Micro SMEs: Grants for incorporation of highly innovative products or services based on digital technologies or emerging in freelancers and/or small businesses or their groups.

2. The incorporation of the Regional Administration to open innovation: Aid for recently created small Technology-Based Companies, Start ups and Spin offs that, or need the collaboration of the Regional Administration to validate and improve their prototypes, products or innovative services, or compete to develop the innovative products and services demanded by the Administration itself.

The deadline for submitting applications will begin when the corresponding public announcement is published in the Official Gazette of the Region of Murcia.

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