European Crafts Days, from April 6 to 11
Crafts Region of Murcia celebrates the “European Days of Crafts” with Open Days at the Regional Crafts Centers of Murcia, Cartagena and Lorca, offering free guided tours, courses and craft workshops.
Open Days of the Crafts Centers of the Region of Murcia, in Murcia, Cartagena and Lorca. Hours from Monday to Friday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and from 5 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., Saturday from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
In addition, free guided tours have been organized, respecting the Covid measures, and groups can request craft workshops, with prior registration, at the Murcia Regional Craft Center.
In this same center, the following craft workshops have been offered, specifically sculpture, binding and paper decoration, and textile decoration.
A different look at the diversity of artisan creation in Spain.
The objective of these conferences is to bring the secrets of the work of luthiers, jewelers, potters, lace makers, blacksmiths, weavers and all kinds of crafts closer to the public, to spread their enormous wealth and uniqueness.
The initiative is promoted by the School of Industrial Organization (EOI), public foundation and first business school in Spain, its area of promotion of crafts, melt you, Y Trade and Art, Organization of Artisans of Spain.
For a week, free activities will bring visitors and the curious of all ages closer to the sphere of craft creation. Fairs, open days in workshops, live demonstrations, exhibitions, children's activities... Seven days around crafts, in which artists who wish to show their creations and share their work procedures with the public are invited to participate.
The European Crafts Days have their origin in Les Journées Européennes des Métiers d'Art, which organizes in France the National Institute of Métiers d'Art (INMA) since 2002. Spain soon joined the project and both countries present a more extensive program of activities. This year, this holiday is celebrated simultaneously in 18 countries.
Check the schedule at:

Correos opens avenues for the future in the rural world
The public postal operator Correos wants to take advantage of its network in small municipalities to promote new services
Eduardo Lopez Alonso 31.01.2021 | 08:36. Source: The Opinion of Murcia

The postman in Spain continues to be a symbol of connection between the rural world and the center of economic activity. The emptied Spain, the smaller towns or urbanizations with less population density have the Internet and teleworking as one of the keys to future development and the public entity Correos sees an opportunity for growth and wants to equip itself with multi-service offices, beyond the administrative or parcel delivery window. The public postal service, widely implemented in Spain through Correos, reaches places where the great e-commerce giants are unlikely to be able to discover business opportunities. But the public budget of Correos has been cut for this year from 180 to 128 million and the agency needs to raise its income.
To boost postal activity in rural areas, Correos is committed to Correos Market, a marketing platform for craft products with which it seeks to bring local vendors closer to any citizen and even foreign consumers. Created in 2019, the platform currently has 785 companies, which have 6,872 products for sale, according to data from this week. In the Post office they assure that "the generation of business opportunities in rural areas and the continuous improvement of their communication channels are the optimal way to fight against depopulation". The initiative is viewed favorably by the staff, although it is criticized that there is a lack of investment to adapt the vehicles to the distribution of perishable products.
Another strategy to boost and take advantage of rural infrastructure are agreements with insurers or banks. In 2019, the entity offered its offices to the financial sector to reach the municipalities where branches and ATMs are disappearing. The president of Correos, Juan Manuel Serrano, signed an agreement with Banco Santander at the end of last year to offer, as of the first quarter of this year, cash withdrawal and deposit services at 4,675 Correos citizen service points (in 2,393 offices and 2,282 rural service points). Third-party financial services offered by Correos range from contracting products to making deposits or withdrawing money. Correos maintains agreements, in addition to Santander, with Mediolanum, Evo Banco and Bancofar, but aspires to more.
Correos has 2,393 offices throughout Spain, of which 1,297 are located in rural areas and in whose spheres of influence 15 million people live. The Spanish postal giant has 53,000 employees (20% of them civil servants) of which some 5,470 are assigned to rural areas. It is estimated that they travel 320,000 kilometers daily.
The unions fear that the budget restrictions will condemn Correos to cut means and reduce delivery frequencies in rural environments, "discriminating against and abandoning the empty Spain in front of the urban Spain", they explain. In Correos they defend the global strategic commitment to the rural environment and give the Correos Market as an example and the attempt to bring products of the economic activity of the town to the city. Correos is also running to create local virtual markets. An example is the use of the postal code as a proximity virtual sales identifier. This initiative to link the postal code to a market place is a way forward.
The public postal service with Correos is insured until at least 2026. The agreement includes mailings of letters and packages of up to 20 kilos. Correos has already achieved a market share of 45% in shipments as a result of online commerce and is betting on this market from which it cannot leave rural areas out. The operator managed 196.56 million packages last year.
But the efforts of Correos to promote and improve rural business, within the framework of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) strategies and the assigned public service, sometimes collide with efficiency and results. For example, in Sant Cebrià de Vallalta, a town in the Maresme region with 3,385 inhabitants, the decision has been made to reorganize work in the distribution unit. There are six postmen and they use their own vehicles (20 cents per kilometer). But from March they will be assigned to other nearby towns (Canet and Calella) during their entire working day. The customer service office is only open three hours a day, too limited hours according to the city council. The clerk in charge will distribute mail four hours and another three will be in the office. It is an example of Correos' strategy of optimizing available resources and adapting the workforce to the greater workloads of other areas. It is applied throughout Spain, and especially when defining coverage in areas with low population density. And in parallel, the offices serve as a link to process permits and manage certificates, but also to buy tickets for shows, buy prepaid phone cards, pay bills or buy coupons from Once.
Post office workers recognize that postal activity has not been reduced. That there are more and more packages to distribute and that many of them are from Amazon. There is an express order from the management so that urgent packages have priority. It is not profitable for Amazon or the express mail firms to reach an empty Spain and those areas that the Post Office classifies as “special environments”.

The Regional Craft Centers adapt their schedule to the new regulations against COVID.
The new schedule until normality is restored will be from Monday to Friday from 9:45 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
With this new schedule, we are trying to combat the third wave of this pandemic.
The artisan sector has been very affected during the year 2020, since they have not been able to market their products in the craft shows that were held. Being the Crafts Centers of the Region of Murcia and the website their only sources of income. Therefore, it is essential that the general public bet on these local products, local products that are made in the Region of Murcia and have a direct impact on the circular economy.
In these centers the public can find different products, food, home decoration, personal accessories, natural cosmetics, nativity scenes, ceramics, glass, esparto grass, natural silk and much more.
Surprise with artisan label.

The Christmas Craft Show celebrates its 36th edition
The 36th edition of the Christmas Craft Show can now be visited at the Paseo de Alfonso X el Sabio in Murcia, and will remain open to the public until January 5, 2021, from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., on December 24 and 31 until 3:00 p.m., and will remain closed on December 25 and January 1.
This year the number of stands has been reduced to 47, compared to the last edition when 78 were installed, with each artisan having a single 3×2 meter booth. The sample has two islands, complying with the sanitary conditions. The first island is from the beginning of Alfonso X to the intersection with Jaime I, and the second island from this intersection towards the Plaza Circular.
Access is from the sides and it will not be possible to access from the front of the exhibition, with a security fence to control entry and exit, with a capacity limitation per island of 50 people.
In addition, the stands are covered with a transparent security screen and there is a delimited area for each stand with a maximum capacity of two people per booth. It will be controlled that the public entered the exhibition with a mask and there are hydroalcoholic gels at the entrance and exit of each island, and at each stand. There is temperature control of the participating artisans before the start of the show.
The celebration of the Christmas Craft Show is part of the plan to reactivate the craft economy launched by the Ministry of Business, Industry and Spokesperson.

The Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia collaborates with the Belencribs International Network Association for the Organization of the Special Competition for Nativity Scenes in the Region of Murcia 2020.
The General Director of Consumption and Crafts has authorized the Collaboration of the Ministry of Business, Industry and Spokesperson with the Belencribs Association for the Organization of the Special Competition for Nativity Scenes in the Region of Murcia.
Within the framework of the competences of the Ministry of Industry, Business and Spokesperson consisting of the conservation, recovery and dissemination of the artisan manifestations of the Region of Murcia, and the promotion of the permanence of those already existing; and as an instrument for the implementation of these programs, Carolina Espinosa, General Director of Consumption and Crafts, has authorized the collaboration with the Belencribs Association, in the Organization of the Special Contest of Nativity Scenes of the Region of Murcia, as a promotion measure focused on a special protection of the nativity scene activity as a craft form that constitutes a manifestation of the popular culture of the Region of Murcia and as a differentiating and complementary element of the artistic expression of the nativity scene artisans sector.
The Murcia Region Special Nativity Scene Contest 2020 aims to encourage and promote the assembly of the nativity scene for Christmas in the Region of Murcia for the year 2020 due to the COVID19 pandemic.
The Belencribs International Network Association will be in charge of organizing the event, and the competition will be in a single category, “Family Nativity Scenes”. Trophies will be awarded to the top three finishers and diplomas to all participants.
As relevant elements of the Contest Bases, the special assessment of the use of figures made by artisans from the Region of Murcia, references to representative characteristics of the municipalities of the Region of Murcia, the promotion of the nativity scene, the realization of the nativity scene in family , with intergenerational participation, the use of recycled materials, and/or the reproduction of the environment that surrounded the birth and childhood of Jesus, in Palestine, among other multiple criteria.
The application submission date will end on Thursday, December 17, 2020, at 2:00 p.m. Requests may be made through instant messaging, through the Whatsapp application, as a particularly agile and accessible means for all citizens.
The organizing entity will assess the applications submitted and will select a maximum of 10 applications, which will be submitted to the General Directorate of Consumption and Crafts for the assessment of the jury, appointed from among people of recognized prestige with links to crafts and the assembly of nativity scenes, will assess the nominations and select the winners.
The awards ceremony will be given the appropriate importance, solemnity and publicity.

For these Christmas holidays, the General Directorate of Consumption and Crafts has prepared a small catalog of artisan products, which contains both births made by renowned nativity scenes from the Region of Murcia and Christmas baskets with artisan and ecological specialties.
If you want to buy these products, they are available at the Murcia Regional Craft Center. You can contact us and place your order by calling the phone number: 968 357 537 or in the mail
"The artisan baskets can vary and change products according to your preferences"
In this time of dreams and illusions, we wanted to make the task easier and show the variety and quality of our regional craft products, offering from the Murcia Regional Craft Center the possibility of ordering your gifts in advance and having them ready for when the time comes. .
It is, therefore, about local producers and local products that try to satisfy all types of public with the maximum guarantees of artisan quality. Therefore, our goal is that they can be marketed jointly to reach all citizens and highlighting the label "Crafts from the Region of Murcia".
I invite you to evaluate the possibility of making gifts with an artisan label this year and to contribute in this way to supporting a sector that is in a difficult situation due to the current health circumstances.

Masters of the Spanish Baroque I Carmen Navarro
Last Saturday, November 14, 2020, the hatbox carmen navarro, member of the Spanish Association of Headwear, participated along with 10 other Murcian designers, in a spectacular and unprecedented parade in the halls of the Museum of Fine Arts of Murcia (MUBAM) as an artisan from the Region of Murcia.
An action organized by Murcia Mediterranean Footbridge framed within its third edition, where watercolor paper was the main material used by the designers to make each of the pieces that were presented in the parade, pieces inspired by the Exhibition MASTERS OF THE SPANISH BAROQUE, which is currently in the Museum dictation.
“Landscape” and “Blond” were the two pieces that the hat box Carmen Navarro designed for the parade using sheets of watercolor paper for its realization, combining it with materials traditionally used in millinery, such as feathers, straw, glass, silk... Traditional millinery techniques were adapted to work with paper in order to achieve the shapes and desired volumes.

Aid for artisans receives almost a hundred applications
In total, 56 requests have been accepted for 137 projects
The total amount of this line of subsidies is 175,000 euros, an allocation that this year has increased by 118 percent
Aid for artisans has received 99 applications, of which 56 have been admitted for a total of 137 projects. There are 36 applications for 71 projects on the waiting list and 7 applications have been rejected for not presenting the required documentation or not meeting the minimum requirements.
Last month, the Ministry of Business, Industry and Spokesperson called for subsidies aimed at artisans, craft companies and companies at the service of Crafts in the Region of Murcia with the aim of helping them maintain, reactivate and boost their economic activity in the face of the pandemic. of Covid-19.
The total amount of this line of subsidies is 175,000 euros, a budget that this year has increased by 118 percent over the previous year. A maximum amount of 4,000 euros of aid is established for individual artisans and artisan companies in creative trades with a subsidy percentage of 90 percent; a maximum of 3,000 euros in the trades of food with a percentage of subsidy of 70 percent; and a maximum amount of 2,000 euros for companies serving crafts, with a 50 percent subsidy rate.
The beneficiaries are craft companies, individual craftsmen and craft service companies with a workforce of less than ten workers, dedicated to the production of craft products or offering services to crafts and whose craft workshop or service center is located in the Region. of Murcia.
Investments made in craft workshops for the maintenance and economic reactivation that allow modifying or increasing the activity, such as actions of innovation, design, production, marketing, communication, training or improvement of quality, are considered eligible projects and expenses. among other.
The General Director of Consumption and Crafts, Carolina Espinosa, highlighted that "in this crisis situation due to the Covid-19 pandemic, artisans have been forced to significantly reduce their activity and are being particularly affected, so it is urgent to provide them with a economic support that allows them to face the present and future situation in the best conditions”. In this sense, he added that "from the Ministry of Business extraordinary measures are being taken to preserve, maintain and reactivate this strategic sector for entrepreneurship and the economy of the Region".

The deadline to vote for the Craft Awards is open until November 23
With these awards, the aim is to encourage innovation, design and the adaptability of the regional craft sector market
The deadline to vote for the Craft Awards of the Region of Murcia 2020, convened by the Ministry of Business, Industry and Spokesperson through the General Directorate of Consumption and Crafts, remains open until next Monday, November 23 at 8:00 p.m.: 30 hours in person and until 24:00 hours 'online'.
The awards recognize excellent and exemplary performance in the field of crafts. Among its objectives is to encourage innovation, design and the ability to adapt to the market of the regional artisan sector.
The general director of Consumption and Crafts, Carolina Espinosa, explained that "the amount of the prizes has increased by 20 percent compared to the previous year, and we intend to honor the work of the artisans, for their creativity and ability to adapt to the times of crisis and, in short, spread the best practices of the sector”.
37 applications have been submitted for all categories. The Regional Craft Center of Murcia has a ballot box for the public to vote, and it can also be done 'online' at the linkán%20disponibles%20en%20 As for those made by citizens in the evaluation phase, they will be considered as one vote by the jury for each category.
Along with the exhibition of the candidates for the awards, visitors can find in the Regional Center more than 500 artisan products, from hand-painted masks to nativity scenes from prestigious Murcian nativity scenes, as well as food products that can help you select Christmas gifts with craft label.
Prize categories and endowment
Eight categories have been established: 'Regional Craft Award'; Artisan Product; Artisan Entrepreneurship; Promotion of Crafts to public and private entities; Artisan Nativity Scene; Food Crafts and New Talents.
The Regional Craft Award is endowed with 3,000 euros, and recognizes the set of a work and a consolidated career. The other eight categories are all endowed with 1,500 euros, such as the 'Artisan Product Award', which will value those artisan products or collections made and marketed in the two years prior to the call.
The 'Artisan Entrepreneurship Award' will go to the entrepreneur who has stood out for the introduction of new concepts in the sector, in areas such as product, distribution, marketing or design.
The category 'Prize for the Promotion of Crafts for Private Entities' and the one corresponding to 'Public Entities', without financial endowment, will recognize the best programs, campaigns or initiatives to promote this activity.
As for the 'Artisan Nativity Award', the products or collections of nativity scenes marketed in the two years prior to the call will be distinguished. The one for 'Food Crafts' will reward those artisans and their food products that are consistent with factors of competitiveness.
For the 'New Talent Award', the work carried out by those students enrolled at the University or at any School in the Region of Murcia in studies related to crafts will be awarded.
Statements by the General Director of Consumption and Crafts

The Community signs an agreement to market artisan products under the 'Artesanía Región de Murcia' brand on the 'Correos Market' platform
The Minister of Business, Industry and Spokesperson highlights the need to develop new marketing formulas that complement traditional sales channels
The Community has signed an agreement to market artisan products under the brand 'Artesanía Región de Murcia' through the 'Correos Market' platform. The agreement will allow artisans, associations and companies the possibility of marketing their products through the online sales platform throughout the Spanish territory, giving greater visibility to their products throughout Spain.
To access the Correos platform, artisans must be registered in the directory of the General Directorate of Consumption and Crafts, in which there are currently 179 self-employed workers and 142 craft companies, which represents a total of 321, which carry out a business activity through through artisan trades and who will be able to benefit from the discounts indicated in this agreement and from the possible internationalization in the distribution of the products that Correos foresees with its trading platform.
The signing of this agreement enables the creation of a Monitoring Commission, in charge of assessing and coordinating the activities included in the agreement and that will act as a mechanism for monitoring, surveillance and control of the execution of the commitments acquired by the signatories. The agreement will last for three years and may be extended for an additional year, by express agreement of the parties.
The public company Correos offers this marketing to professionals registered in the Artisan Registry of the Region of Murcia and authorized to use the brand 'Crafts from the Region of Murcia'. Artisan producers thus have a means to market products in the fields of crafts, food, beverages, fashion, health and beauty, home and those others that can be categorized according to the portal's profiles.
The councilor Ana Martínez Vidal recalled that "in this crisis situation caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, artisans have been forced to reduce their activity and are being particularly affected by the health crisis, so it is urgent to develop new formulas of commercialization that complement the traditional ones of sale to the public in samples and markets”.
Martínez Vidal insisted that "it is important to launch new channels that allow the positioning and sale of artisan products, a commitment to combine the traditional value of crafts, adapting it to the new times, and incorporating digitization one more step to make it easier for artisans can quickly access markets.
Crafts from the Region of Murcia
The Ministry of Business, Industry and Spokesperson is already working on an 'ecommerce' marketing strategy for artisan products from the Region of Murcia under the umbrella of the registered trademark 'Artesanía Región de Murcia', which differentiates and recognizes the origin of artisan products , contributing to sustainable development.
The seal of origin 'Crafts from the Region of Murcia' collects and validates the criteria for admission as a producer, which will allow the user to easily recognize the origin of the products, as well as the guarantee of their characteristics or their production process . The products identified with this brand guarantee that they have been made by hand in the Region of Murcia.
Currently, it is powered through the web the online sale of craft products from the Regional Craft Centers. The signing of this agreement is intended to increase the possibilities for artisans to sell through the 'Correos Market' platform, which increases the possibilities for artisans to join electronic commerce.
Statements Counselor of Industry, Business and Spokesperson. Ana Martinez Vidal

The company from Totana Pottery Project, finalist in the National Crafts Awards
Selected for a collection of lamps designed by Isaac Piñeiro, which is inspired by the geographical origins of the brand 'Totana: landscape of contrasts, shades of clay, pottery, lights and shadows'
The Pottery Project company, located in Totana, has been among the 14 finalists selected for the 2020 National Crafts Awards. Awards to which a total of 95 candidates from all the autonomous communities chose this year, with the exception of La Rioja and Cantabria .
Pottery Project has been selected for a collection of lamps designed by Isaac Piñeiro that is inspired by the geographical origins of the brand 'Totana: landscape of contrasts, shades of clay, pottery, lights and shadows'. The company makes ceramic objects of contemporary design, especially lighting. Its founder, Miquel Ángel García Belmonte, is a craftsman, designer and runs the company.
Specifically, the craft firm is one of the finalists in the 'Product Award' modality, which evaluates those products or collections made and marketed in the two years prior to the date of publication of the call.
The National Awards are convened by the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism, through the School of Industrial Organization and its Crafts area, Fundesarte, and seek to give prestige to a sector that in Spain represents 0.4 percent of GDP in an environment of quality and excellence. These awards give recognition to those craft companies that, preserving their essence of traditional trade, stand out for their creativity, social and environmental responsibility, adaptation to the market and capacity for innovation.
The committee in charge of assessing the candidatures has been made up of prestigious personalities from the world of design and crafts, such as the director of the National Museum of Ceramics and Sumptuary Arts, Jaume Coll; the President of the Spanish Network of Design Associations, Teresa Jular; managers of Fundesarte and journalists specialized in design and crafts, among others.
The general director of Consumption and Crafts, Carolina Espinosa, congratulated the craft company Pottery Projet "for being a finalist for these prestigious awards granted by the Ministry, which reward the best national crafts and design" and recognized "their work carried out from the city of Totana, which has always been a benchmark in the ceramics sector”.
The winners of the National Crafts Awards will be announced at a ceremony that will take place at the end of the year.

The Regional Craft Center of Cartagena hosts a sample of hand-painted fabrics by the artist Alfredo Caral
Until the end of the month, the Regional Craft Center of Cartagena hosts the exhibition 'Nature: Sediment, water and land', a sample of hand-painted fabrics by the Madrid-based couturier based in the Alfredo Caral Region, sources from the Community reported in a note of press.
The author has been inspired by nature to develop this collection based on the fluidity of water and the harmony of landscapes, with reflections of the different seasons and times of day.
His textile work includes a variety of shades that are mixed with the blue of the ocean, the brown tones of the mountains and the green of the countryside, with which he creates a collection of fashion and hand-painted textile accessories, such as scarves, masks and decoration fabrics, in an explosion of color and natural and unique chromatic tones.
Visitors will be able to purchase at workshop prices the products that make up the sample, which will be exhibited in the Regional Craft Center of Murcia in September and in Lorca in October. FROM IBERIA TO ALMODÓVAR
Alfredo Caral founded his own haute couture workshop in the 1970s and presented his first collection, with which he achieved great success among the attending public and specialists in the sector. Fashion gave him the satisfaction of being able to create and develop his own designs, turning his creations into a benchmark of style.
For years, Alfredo Caral's fashion collections were regularly presented at the Pasarela Cibeles in Madrid, and in cities such as London, Mexico City, Washington and Amsterdam. He was selected by the Iberia company to make the uniforms for its ground, flight and pilot personnel. Other companies that had their designs in the uniformity of their staff were Renfe and Telefónica.
For a time he combined the creation of his collections in his workshop with his shops and showroom in Madrid and his activity in Paris and Italy. He was also sought after to make costumes for cinema and theater, with works for films by Felipe Rey, Luis García Berlanga or Pedro Almodóvar, among others.
Currently, Alfredo Caral continues to develop his passion for caring for, pampering and beautifying women with specific collections and the design of accessories and the creation of hand-painted accessories in the Region of Murcia.

Called the National Crafts Awards 2020
The Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism, through the School of Industrial Organization (EOI) and its craft promotion area, melt you, announces the thirteenth edition of the National Crafts Awards, whose purpose is to give institutional recognition at the highest level to those actions generally recognized as excellent and exemplary in the field of contemporary crafts. This call seeks to promote the development and competitiveness of small and medium-sized craft companies, encouraging innovation, design and their ability to adapt to the market.
The National Crafts Awards 2020 include the following categories:
National Craft Award: is the prize that recognizes the whole of a consolidated work, comprehensive of the competitiveness factors contemplated in the different modalities of the prizes included in this section, according to the evaluation criteria foreseen in annex I of the order.
Product Award: for those products or collections made and marketed in the two years prior to the date of publication of this call and that comply to a greater degree with the evaluation criteria established in annex I of the order.
Entrepreneurship Award: it is the award intended to reward the entrepreneur or entrepreneurial company that has stood out for the introduction of new concepts in the sector in any of the areas related to it, product, distribution, marketing, design, etc., recognizing their ability to contribute innovative solutions that have allowed it to position itself in the market.
Promociona Award for Private Entities: private entities or organizations may apply for this award by presenting their programs, campaigns or initiatives to promote handicrafts completed, at least, in the year prior to the date of publication of this call.
Promociona Award for Public Entities: public entities or bodies may apply for this award by presenting their programs, campaigns or initiatives to promote handicrafts completed, at least, in the year prior to the date of publication of this call.
The deadline for submitting applications ends on August 2 at 11:59 p.m.. The bases of the call in which all the information necessary to present the candidatures is specified, can be found here.
More information and registration: or in the email:

Modification Order subsidies for craftsmen and craft companies 2019
On July 4, 2020, the "Order of the Ministry of Business, Industry and Spokesperson amending the term of execution and justification of the subsidies called by Order of March 27, 2019 of the Ministry of Employment, Universities, Business and the Environment for individual artisans and craft companies in the Region of Murcia and by Order of May 22, 2019 of the Ministry of Employment, Universities, Business and the Environment for artisan associations without for-profit organization in the Region of Murcia affected by the consequences of the health emergency caused by COVID-19 and by the measures adopted in the declaration of the state of alarm.
This Order affects the subsidies corresponding to the year 2019 and that have been entered in the first quarter of this year, and that, due to the Pandemic caused by COVIB-19 and the consequent economic slowdown, has prevented you from executing the actions for which you requested aid.
For this reason, from the General Directorate of Consumption and Crafts, it has been necessary to modify the Order of Call for subsidies to individual artisans and craft companies in the Region of Murcia (excerpt published in BORM No. 77, of 3 April 2019).
This modification affects the execution and justification deadlines, in such a way that with said modification the deadlines are as follows:
Artisans and craft companies:
- Investment execution period:
From April 1, 2020, until September 30, 2021. (18 months)
- Investment justification period:
From October 1, 2021, until December 30, 2021. (3 months)
For any questions, you can contact the staff of the Craft Service.

Modification order of subsidies for artisan associations 2019
On July 4, 2020, the "Order of the Ministry of Business, Industry and Spokesperson amending the term of execution and justification of the subsidies called by Order of May 22, 2019 of the Ministry of Employment, Universities, Business and the Environment for individual artisans and craft companies in the Region of Murcia and by Order of May 22, 2019 of the Ministry of Employment, Universities, Business and the Environment for artisan associations without for-profit organization in the Region of Murcia affected by the consequences of the health emergency caused by COVID-19 and by the measures adopted in the declaration of the state of alarm.
This Order affects the subsidies corresponding to the year 2019 and that have been entered in the first quarter of this year, and that, due to the Pandemic caused by COVIB-19 and the consequent economic slowdown, have prevented that association from executing the actions for which you requested aid.
For this reason, from the General Directorate of Consumption and Crafts, it has been necessary to modify the Order of Announcement of subsidies for the artisan associations of the Region of Murcia (excerpt published in BORM No. 119, of May 25, 2019).
This modification affects the execution and justification deadlines, in such a way that with said modification the deadlines are as follows:
Craft associations:
- Investment execution period:
From March 7, 2020, until March 6, 2022. (2 years)
- Investment justification period:
From March 7, 2022, until June 6, 2022. (3 months)
For any questions, you can contact the staff of the Craft Service.

Announcement of regulatory bases subsidies for Craft Associations
The General Directorate of Consumption and Crafts, informs that last Saturday, July 4, 2020, the Announcement of the General Directorate of Consumption and Crafts was published in the BORM by which the project of Order of the Ministry of Business, Industry and Spokesperson establishing the regulatory bases for the granting of subsidies for non-profit artisan associations in the Region of Murcia in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic, which is sent in this email as an annex.
Inform you that this is a phase of the administrative procedure, prior to the publication in the BORM of the Order calling for subsidies for artisan associations.
Finally, remind you that the order that opens the deadline to apply for Crafts grants has not yet been published. When this period opens, all artisan associations will be notified in a timely manner.

Grants for innovation and digitization projects
The General Directorate of Consumption and Crafts, informs that it has been published in the BORM of today, Wednesday, July 1, 2020, the Order of June 25, of the Ministry of Business, Industry and Spokesperson, which regulates the bases for the granting of aid to innovation and digitization projects presented by micro-enterprises and the self-employed to alleviate the effects of the COVID-19 crisis and contribute to their reactivation and incorporation into the innovative ecosystem of the Region of Murcia.
The General Directorate competent to process the applications is that of Commerce and Business Innovation, located at C/ San Cristóbal de Murcia, Telephone 968362280.
This is the granting of subsidies, under a competitive system, for the implementation of innovation and digitization projects by Self-Employed and Micro SMEs with one of the following purposes:
1. The innovation of Self-employed and Micro SMEs: Grants for incorporation of highly innovative products or services based on digital technologies or emerging in freelancers and/or small businesses or their groups.
2. The incorporation of the Regional Administration to open innovation: Aid for recently created small Technology-Based Companies, Start ups and Spin offs that, or need the collaboration of the Regional Administration to validate and improve their prototypes, products or innovative services, or compete to develop the innovative products and services demanded by the Administration itself.
The deadline for submitting applications will begin when the corresponding public announcement is published in the Official Gazette of the Region of Murcia.

Help for self-employed workers
The General Directorate of Consumption and Crafts informs you that the order and extract of the order of the Ministry of Employment, Research and Universities have been published in the Official Gazette of the Region of Murcia, No. 149 of June 30, 2020 which calls for subsidies for the 2020 financial year aimed at self-employed workers to alleviate the economic losses caused by COVID-19.
It is an aid aimed at self-employed workers attached to the Special Scheme for Self-Employed Workers (RETA), or where appropriate, in the Special Scheme of Social Security for Sea Workers and professionals covered by alternative mutual societies to Social Security.
The aid consists of a single economic benefit amounting to 286.15 euros through competitive bidding, so the grants will be awarded according to the order in which the applications are received, and in the event that they are incomplete, from the date of the improvement of the file, provided that the beneficiaries meet the general and specific requirements established in this Order.
Below you can consult other Official Gazettes with aid that you could benefit from if it were of interest to you.

The Community allocates 150,000 euros for craft projects
The Craft Advisory Council informs of the aid for artisans and craft associations that will finance 90 percent of the investment made
The Regional Assembly asks the central government to create its own CNAE for the artisan sector and reduce VAT on artisan products to 10 percent
Craft Advisory Council (1)
The Community allocates 150,000 euros for craft projects. The Craft Advisory Council has informed the sector of the main actions that are being carried out in relation to the new subsidies for craft workshops and associations in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic in order to maintain, reactivate and promote the sector .
Likewise, this body reported the increase in the number of eligible actions, incorporating innovation, design, production, marketing, communication or training initiatives that, through ICT, introduce the craft workshop to the digital and electronic commerce sphere, develop generational change, facilitate participation in fairs or the start-up of investments to promote the insertion of people with disabilities or groups at risk of social exclusion, as well as any other investment project that allows maintaining and increasing artisan activity.
The increase in the maximum amount of aid per craft workshop goes from 3,000 to 4,000 euros and the percentage of the subsidy with respect to the investment made by the applicant is increased from 50 to 90 percent. In addition, the investment term of the subsidies granted during the year 2019 is increased by one and a half years.
The Minister of Business, Industry and Spokesperson, Ana Martínez Vidal, explained that from the Regional Assembly "the central government has been urged to create its own specific classification for the artisan sector within the National Classification of Economic Activities, as well as the comparison of the VAT of the artisan products to the cultural VAT of 10 percent”.
For its part, during the telematic meeting, the situation of the Regional Craft Centers of Murcia, Cartagena and Lorca was reported, with the full opening of the centers with a limited capacity of 75 percent, maintaining the workshops and exhibitions.
The Regional Craft Centers, in the face of the health crisis, have taken measures to implement the trading system called 'Marketplace', promoting 'online' sales through the website '' and '', and future courses to facilitate the incorporation of artisans to Amazon Handmade, Etsy and Correos Market.

The Murcia Craft Center is located in the heart of the city, next to the Salitre Garden (also known as the Gunpowder Garden). It is managed by the Directorate General for Consumption and Crafts, dependent on the Ministry of Business, Industry and Spokesperson
In it you can learn about and buy any product made by artisans officially registered in the Artisan Registry of the Region of Murcia. Free guided tours for groups where they will learn about the different crafts, as well as live demonstrations. Enjoy activities such as temporary exhibitions, workshops, training courses or live demonstrations. Contemplate the Winning Works of the Regional Crafts Awards.
HOURS: Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and from 5:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Saturdays 11:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Sundays closed. July and August Saturdays closed.
The guided tour consists of three phases:
The visit begins in the main room of the center, there is a presentation of the guide and the Regional Craft Center where we are.
From the main room you can see different pieces belonging to various craft trades and the multiple materials with which crafts are made are named. They are then invited to go up the ramps and observe the products that are found along the way.
A stop is made, where a brief explanation of the "Clay" is made, a raw material that represents the two trades that are explained below: Potters-ceramists, differentiates between different pieces and explains the characteristics of ceramic pieces and pottery pieces and the production process.
Traditional clay nativity scene: it is explained how another trade of great importance for the Region of Murcia is worked, the figures of nativity scene.
III. REGIONAL AWARDS AND HUERTANO CORNER: They cross the bridge that is located in the upper area of the Craft Center, and end in the area where the Regional Craft Awards and the Huertano Corner are located.
First, the different embroideries of the regional costumes are shown and later they are informed of the Regional Awards Contest that is held annually by the General Directorate responsible for Crafts, focusing on some award-winning pieces, specifically papier-mâché toys.
End of visit.
Check the following link for workshops for groups:
Information and bookings:
Murcia Craft Center
968 35 75 36
Francisco Rabal Street, 6 Murcia

The Regional Craft Centers of Murcia, Cartagena and Lorca move to PHASE 2
From May 25, the Regional Craft Centers can be visited in their entirety. Marketing the products made by the artisans of the Region of Murcia. For your safety we have a capacity reduced to 40 %, always complying with all the hygienic and sanitary conditions recommended by Health.
During this week you can visit the following exhibitions:
- "Dialogues with the wind" by the Master Craftswoman Marisa Peaguda at the Murcia Regional Craft Center.
- "Blown Glass" by artisan Juan Alcántara at the Regional Craft Center of Cartagena.
- "Colors, Breeze, Mediterranean" by Adolfo Ruiz at the Regional Craft Center of Lorca.
Customers who are interested in finding out about the work carried out by artisans in the Region of Murcia can visit the Artesanía Región de Murcia website, where they will find a wide selection of products. Craft Shop of the Region of Murcia
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The regional craft centers open their doors today after the closure by COVID-19
The sector reached a sales volume of 236,000 euros in 2019, which has been reduced by 95 percent
The regional craft centers open their doors today after being closed since March 14 due to the coronavirus crisis. The three centers, located in Murcia, Cartagena and Lorca, resume their activity of commercial promotion and sale of artisans. During the year 2019, they reached a sales volume of 236,000 euros, which has been reduced by 95 percent in this closing time.
The general director of Consumption and Crafts, Carolina Espinosa, encouraged all citizens to “approach regional craft centers and buy products. In this way we will be taking a little piece of our history with us and we will collaborate in the survival of the artisan workshops, avoiding the disappearance of the trades of our ancestors”.
Since the entry into phase 1 of the de-escalation, the implementation of the necessary security measures for the opening of the centers with a renewed exhibition of artisan products has begun. Visiting hours are Monday through Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and from 5:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.; and on Saturdays from 11:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
"We must promote social crafts recognized in the Craft Law of the Region of Murcia. The products, both creative crafts, food and social crafts are unique pieces made by hand and with the guarantees of the Brand of the Region of Murcia. That sector is an expression of our own culture and history. It is a clear testimony of our customs and traditions, which is why it is necessary to revalue and spread the excellence of its artisans, helping the crafts and workshops to remain and survive”, Espinosa highlighted.
Customers who are interested in finding out about the work carried out by artisans in the Region of Murcia can visit the Artesanía Región de Murcia website, where they will find a wide selection of products. Craft Shop of the Region of Murcia

Open Regional Craft Centers
The Regional Craft Centers of Murcia, Lorca and Cartagena open their doors to the public for the sale of craft products with new collections of creative and traditional ceramics, costume jewelry, jewelry, lamps, decoration, cups, nativity scenes, glass, food and much more plus.
The craftsman designs, produces and sells, all through trades typical of our land and inherited from our ancestors. The products they make have our history inside, what we have been and what we are. There is nothing more authentic that you can take with you from our land when you visit them, than an artisan product. For this reason, when we support crafts we honor our history since we are Murcians. Come to the Regional Crafts Centers and give away objects made with the soul. You can also purchase our products on our website: CRAFT SHOP
The Regional Craft Center of Murcia It is located in the heart of the city, next to the Salitre Garden (also known as the Gunpowder Garden).
The Regional Craft Center of Cartagena It is located on Calle Honda, next to the well-known Plaza de los Tres Reyes, Monte del Molinete and Glorieta de San Francisco.
Promotional video Regional Craft Center of Cartagena
The Lorca Craft Center It is located in a building located between the Palace of Guevara and the Church of San Mateo.
Promotional video Lorca Regional Craft Center

The Regional Craft Center opens its doors
Due to the COVID19 health crisis, the Regional Craft Centers closed their doors on March 14, coinciding with the declaration of the state of alarm of the Spanish state.
Two months later, the Regional Craft Center opens its doors, in order to market and promote the products of the artisans of the artisans registered in the CARM craft registry. This sector has been severely hit by this crisis since its main points of sale are the Regional Craft Centers and Craft Shows or markets.
For the opening of the same, all the safety, prevention and hygienic-sanitary criteria have been adopted for both workers and customers.
The Regional Craft Centers of Murcia and Lorca will soon open.
Access our online and learn about the products of the artisans of the Region of Murcia: creative and traditional ceramics, sculptures, glass, fans, scarves, costume jewelry, jewelry, stationery, piñatas, decoration items and much more.

Up to 12,000 euros in aid to SMEs for electronic commerce projects
These grants have a total budget of 300,000 euros and cover up to 75% of the project
Aid for SMEs in the Region for the implementation of electronic commerce projects may be requested from this Tuesday. This aid line will be processed by the Development Institute of the Region of Murcia (Info), under the name 'TIC electronic commerce check', and aims to promote the implementation of technological innovation projects in the face of the consequences of the economic crisis caused by Covid-19.
These aids have a total budget of 300,000 euros and are intended for the development of projects for the creation or adaptation of the company's website to provide it with electronic commerce functionalities, its integration with the rest of the information system and the implementation of analytical tools that allow conclusions to be drawn from the sales made and facilitate decision making. They also include the development of specific e-commerce applications for tablets and smartphones, and their interconnection with the company's internal information system. The investment for the implementation of this type of project will be subsidized up to 75%, with up to 12,000 euros of aid per beneficiary.
These aids for SMEs, whose activity object of the project must be located in the Region of Murcia, are co-financed to 80% with ERDF funds from the European Union and must be requested through the electronic headquarters of Info,
- Announcement_

In the following link you can see the fragment of the Oro Molío program broadcast on April 14 in 7 Region of Murcia.
In this program Alfonso de la Cruz interviews the artisan Ana Belén Paredes Grao, her artisan firm is called "Anuka Creations" and currently with the COVID19 crisis it has reinvented itself once again and is currently making design protection masks.

The Regional Craft Center of Murcia, for the third consecutive year, has been included in the training program called "My city teaches" of the Department of Education and Nursery Schools of the City of Murcia, coinciding with the school calendar. Where all schools belonging to the municipal perimeter can access this
During the 2019-2020 school year, the scheduled workshops have been the following:
- Leather goods workshop: This workshop was held on Mondays from October 2019 to February 2020, taught by the artisan Ángel Luis Molina Guillén. The recipients were third and fourth grade students. In this plastic creation activity, it is intended that schoolchildren come into contact with this noble material such as leather, and experience the sensation of dealing with manual tools for embossing, to configure their own bracelet made with their hands and their imagination.
- Creative cooking workshop: This workshop was held on Tuesdays in October 2019 and was scheduled to end in May 2020, taught by the team of Francisco Javier García Moreno, manager of La Madrugada Backery. For the development of this activity, an oven was necessary to bake the bread, provided free of charge by Fornet SL Aimed at children aged three, four and five. It's a teamanipulative and practical workshop that allows schoolchildren to learn about the process of making bread in an artisanal way, develop the sense of taste, smell, manual dexterity, motor skills and creativity, giving shapes to the dough, previously made in the workshop, to create their own bread with different shapes of dolls, and observing how the ingredients are transformed through its preparation.
- pottery workshop, Taught by the artisan Verónica Maccorín. It was held on Wednesdays since October 2019 and was scheduled to end at the end of May. The recipients are first and second grade students. Plastic creation workshop where schoolchildren create their own piece of handmade and personalized pottery, having a direct experience with the clay and observing its transformation, how its appearance changes, acquiring a new language related to the trade and the arts, recognizing the forms and the use of ceramic containers, their technical and aesthetic characteristics. Getting to know and handling an authentic potter's wheel and becoming a potter for a day.
- Sculpture workshop: Taught by the artisan Verónica Maccorín. This workshop is held on Thursdays of the school calendar. Aimed at three, four and five year olds. Plastic creation workshop where schoolchildren model a sculpture in clay to express their creativity in a sculptural piece, in an entertaining and didactic way, through textures, volumes, colors and shapes, using modeling tools to create their sketches, obtaining as a result end a very nice bust.
As a complement to this training offer and in order to publicize the different crafts that are currently active in the Region, a free guided tour is carried out at the Regional Craft Center of Murcia. The duration of these activities is from ten to twelve in the morning and the students come from the Schools of the City of Murcia with a cost per child of three euros.
This initiative has been very favorable for increasing the notoriety of the Regional Craft Center of Murcia and disseminating and promoting the Crafts of the Region of Murcia, since all children acquire basic notions of the craftsmanship and each one takes, in addition to the product they create. .

In the following video you will be able to know the most frequently asked questions about the measures adopted by the Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration in terms of the extraordinary benefit for self-employed workers on the occasion of COVID19

The General Directorate of Commerce, Consumption and Crafts today presented the 8th edition of the prizes awarded by the Ruralmur Association, which represent recognition of business activity to promote and enhance quality in the tourism and craft fields. They will be delivered next Thursday, the 12th, at 8:00 p.m. at the Murcia Craft Center, located at Calle Francisco Rabal, 6, Murcia.
The winners in this edition have been: Honorary Award for the painter Rosa Torres; in the Gastronomy category for María Gómez from the Magoga Restaurant; in the promotion of Murcia for the 7tv program 'Entre Mujeres'; in disclosure of heritage, María Teresa Marín; in the distribution of Murcia the newspaper 'La Verdad'; in Art and Culture, the designer Constanza Más; in Tourism to Burruticas; in Association with the Association of Families and Women of the Rural World (Amefmur); in Crafts for Xingular Desing; in Sports for José Antonio Carrillo, coach of the Royal Spanish Athletics Federation; and the Institution Award for the City Council of Cehegín.
Ruralmur is a non-profit association dedicated to promoting crafts, commerce and rural tourism. Its main tool is the portal which puts customers in contact, free of charge, with the owners of regional companies.


5.”Painting and drawing course” taught by the artisan Lidia Cassi, Wednesdays in March, May and June. Hours: 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Price: €55 per student (monthly fee). €15 session.

7.”Fabric decoration course” taught by the craft company Colourstudio of Alfredo Caral. Scheduled for Thursdays from March to June from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at a cost of €55 per month per student.