Category: Guided visits

Abierto el plazo para registrar actividades para los Días Europeos de la Artesanía 2025

Ya está abierta la web para registrar las actividades y encuentros singulares de los European Craft Days, que se celebrarán del 31 de marzo al 6 de abril de 2025. El objetivo de estas jornadas es acercar al público los secretos del trabajo de lutieres, joyeros/as, ceramistas, encajeros/as, herreros/as, tejedores/as y todo tipo de oficios artesanos, para difundir su enorme riqueza y singularidad.

La web se irá actualizando progresivamente con el programa de actividades que los participantes vayan subiendo. La publicación de las actividades en la web, se hará efectiva cuando los responsables de artesanía de cada comunidad autónoma aprueben la actividad. Si quieres conocer a la entidad responsable que validará en tu comunidad, puedes hacerlo here.

Se invita a participar a artesanos/as, makers, creadores o artistas que deseen mostrar sus creaciones y compartir sus procedimientos de trabajo con el público. Los participantes podrán organizar diferentes tipos de actividades, las cuales, deberán ser gratuitas para el público: ferias, jornadas de puertas abiertas en talleres, demostraciones en directo, exposiciones presenciales o virtuales, conferencias, etc.

Este año, la temática se llama “Traits d’union” o “Trazos de unión” en castellano y resaltará los vínculos entre los artesanos y sus territorios, celebrando el tejido de la artesanía que conforma la riqueza de nuestras regiones y más allá de las fronteras. La idea es ofrecer numerosos eventos dedicados al público en general para que descubran, conozcan, toquen y sientan la artesanía de cada lugar.

Al igual que el año pasado, se incluirán los “Encuentros Singulares”, actividades especiales para grupos reducidos en un lugar que no suele estar abierto al público. La organización de los Días se encargará de considerar como singulares las actividades que considere.

En la anterior edición, el evento se celebró en 25 países europeos y, concretamente, en España se llevaron a cabo más de 700 actividades en todo el territorio. De todas ellas, 681 fueron actividades presenciales de distinta índole como jornadas de puertas abiertas (talleres artesanos, asociaciones, espacios de trabajo, etc.), demostraciones de oficios, talleres prácticos para niños y adultos, exposiciones, así como actividades de comunicación del sector. Andalucía fue la comunidad con mayor número de actividades, con 169, seguida del Principado de Asturias con 99, Galicia con 78, la Comunidad de Madrid con 77 y Castilla y León con un programa de 68 actividades.

Esta iniciativa es promovida por la Escuela de Organización Industrial (EOI) y su área de promoción de la artesanía, Fundesarte, junto a Job y Arte, Organización de los Artesanos de España.

More information in:

El Centro de Artesanía de Murcia celebra la primera edición de ARTESANÍA MARKET FEST

El jueves 18, viernes 19 y sábado 20 de abril tendrá lugar en el Centro de Artesanía de Murcia el evento ‘Artesanía Market Fest’, con música en directo, demostraciones y talleres, y un mercado artesano con productos de decoración, moda, complementos y alimentación… Una iniciativa impulsada por la Dirección General de Impulso al Comercio, Innovación Empresarial e Industrias y Oficios Artesanales.

El mes de abril celebra con intensidad la primavera, y el Centro de Artesanía de Murcia lo hace con la primera edición del evento ‘Artesanía Market Fest’. Un encuentro festivo, impulsado por la Dirección General de Impulso al Comercio, Innovación Empresarial e Industrias y Oficios Artesanales, donde la artesanía será protagonista los días: jueves 18 en horario de 17 a 21 horas, y viernes 19 y sábado 20 de abril, en horario de 12 a 14 horas y de 17 a 21 horas.

Música en directo, talleres para niños y mayores, demostraciones del trabajo artesano, y mercado con productos de decoración, moda, complementos y alimentación… Además de photocall y zona de descanso. Y todo, tanto en la zona parking exterior del Centro de Artesanía como dentro de las instalaciones expositivas.

‘Artesanía Market Fest’ pone en valor la artesanía de la Región de Murcia, la intensa labor artesanal y la creatividad que existe en nuestra Región, y destaca la sostenibilidad y la humanización ligada a la producción y a la venta de cercanía; y los presenta en un entorno moderno y dinámico, con una puesta en escena original que no dejará indiferente al visitante.

El evento acoge talleres tanto para el público infantil con Anuka Creaciones, para crear un lapicero, y Fernando Martínez, de encuadernación japonesa, como para los más mayores, con Mamita is Love, para diseñar un porta-velas, e Isabel Puig, de trenzado de papel. La participación es gratuita e incluye todos los materiales. Los interesados deben inscribirse enviando un email a

También hay demostraciones del trabajo artesano por El Costurerico, de moda sostenible, y Verónica Maccorin, de alfarería; y un mercado artesanal donde participarán más de 20 artesanos de prendas y complementos, joyería, alimentación, decoración… de toda la Región de Murcia, como Antorcha de Plata, Menganita de Cual, Juan Guillén, José Antonio Zapata, Manteka Estudio, El Costurerico, María Moya, Knae Jewellery, Lua Design, GataGata by María Ananda, Dulce Ana, Saiko, Tricchi, Raquel Samper, Mamita is Love, Macrahope, Baging, Epekes, Cris Cober Design, cerveza Canana L.A. Brew Pub, cerveza Trinitaria, quesos La Yerbera…

Tres jornadas amenizadas con música en directo, como la banda de rock Goblin Circus, con una propuesta de temas divertidos, llamativos, enérgicos y bailones; y la banda Veneziola, de pop independiente, con un estilo indie envolvente que atrapará al público con sus letras.

Y además, los deejays de estilo indie, pop, house y sonidos elegantes como Plutonita, AlbalaDj, Dan Vidal, Alejandro Dj y Cruda Colectivo.

‘Artesanía Market Fest’ es un evento que nace para quedarse y transmitir arte e innovación a través de las creaciones de los artesanos de la Región, rodeados de un ambiente de tendencia.


Open the period to register activities for the European Days of Crafts

  • It will be held in various European countries from March 27 to April 2.
  • Spain will be the guest country with the "Singular Encounters"

Europe will once again celebrate the European Craft Days from March 27 to April 2. During that week, free activities will be offered that will bring visitors and curious people of all ages closer to the sphere of artisan creation. Fairs, open days in workshops or in the cloud, live demonstrations, face-to-face or virtual exhibitions, conferences, etc. both in face-to-face format, respecting all protection measures, and in virtual format or both at the same time. A week around crafts in which artists who wish to show their creations and share their work procedures with the public are invited to participate.

This year, Spain will be the guest country and the regular program will include the first "Singular Encounters", special activities that will offer an exclusive visit for small groups in a place that is not usually open to the public.

The registration period for activities for artisans and public and private institutions is now open on the website, where the program of activities will be progressively updated. In order to propose activities, it is necessary for the artisan person or the institution to register on the website to later upload the proposal specifying the title, a brief description, days, dates and place in case the activity is face-to-face. If it is online, the activity will be reflected on the map, but will not include location data. You can also attach up to a maximum of three photographs, as well as contact information and social networks.

The objective of these conferences is to bring the secrets of the work of luthiers, jewelers, potters, lace makers, blacksmiths, weavers and all kinds of artisan trades closer to the public, to spread their enormous wealth and uniqueness. In Europe it will be held in other countries such as Germany, Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, France, Georgia, Hungary, Italy, Malta, Poland, Portugal and the United Kingdom.

In the previous edition, more than 400 activities were carried out throughout Spain, being the third country with the most actions after France and Germany. Of all of them, 385 were face-to-face activities of a different nature, such as open days (craft workshops, associations, workspaces, etc.), trade demonstrations, practical workshops for children and adults, exhibitions, as well as communication activities in the sector. . There were also 17 online activities, such as virtual tours of artisan workshops and live demonstrations, and 14 were online and face-to-face. Andalusia and Castilla y León were the communities with the highest number of activities, 119 and 52, respectively, followed by the Community of Madrid and Galicia, with a program of 43 and 42 activities.

This initiative is promoted by the School of Industrial Organization (EOI), a public foundation and the first business school in Spain, and its area for the promotion of crafts, Fundesarte together with
a Craft and Art, Organization of Craftsmen of Spain.


About Fundesarte
Fundesarte is, since 1981, the reference organization in the promotion and development of Spanish artisan companies. It is an initiative of the School of Industrial Organization, which is part of the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism. Its work focuses on promoting, valuing and communicating the quality of the artisan product and the sustainability of its production processes, through promotional activities, among which the National Craft Awards, exhibition projects and the European Days of Crafts stand out. the Craft. @Fundesarte // //

About EOI

The School of Industrial Organization (EOI) is the first Business School founded in Spain (1955). In its 65-year history, more than 142,000 executives and business managers specialized in leadership, internationalization and sustainability have passed through its classrooms.

As a public foundation attached to the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism and with the co-financing of the European Social Fund, it has promoted the businesses of more than 60,000 new entrepreneurs in Spain and founded a National Network of 50 Coworking Spaces in different cities of the country. // @eoi // //
For more information:
91 349 5656

On Valentine's Day, #Give Crafts #Give Love

The artisan products of the Region of Murcia are made one by one with a lot of love.

To celebrate Valentine's Day, the Craft Centers of the Region of Murcia, located in Murcia, Cartagena and Lorca, have prepared a selection of handmade products, made with a lot of love by our artisans.

Below, you can see some of our proposals to give away on this special day, and why not? Also for those who have not yet fallen in love, they can give themselves a whim.

La Rita Vintage, a new artisan firm, makes its debut at the Regional Craft Centers in this exhibition with collections of creative jewelry.

The Koyak artisan clothing firm presents its new collection of sweatshirts for him and her.

The occupational workshop "Aidemar" has created some ceramic envelopes so that you can give your partner a love letter.

In addition, in our gourmet products section, you will find; artisan honeys and jams from Traditional Jams (simply one of the best jams in the world), to sweeten your partner. Craft beers, such as Cátedra, Trinitaria or Yakka. Signature wines from different artisan wineries in the Region of Murcia. Bodegas Evine de Yecla, Balcona de Bullas or Salzillo de Jumilla, are the wines that you can select for this day.

Another gift idea, it will be a nice experience, to carry out a pottery workshop with your partner at the Murcia Craft Center. Special promotion of €25 per couple per hour and a half of workshop, which can be exchanged on Wednesdays from 5 to 6:30 p.m. or in the second shift from 6:45 to 8:15 p.m. Ask for it and we will give you a gift voucher.

European Days of Crafts in the Region of Murcia

Crafts Region of Murcia celebrates the European Craft Days with Open Days in the Regional Craft Centers of Murcia, Cartagena and Lorca, offering free guided tours, craft workshops, live demonstrations, exhibitions and a national craft meeting for bobbin lacemakers. A total of 25 activities They are the ones that make up this programming.

Open Days of the Crafts Centers of the Region of Murcia, in Murcia, Cartagena and Lorca. Hours from Monday to Friday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and from 5 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., Saturday from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

Programming Murcia Craft Center

  • National Meeting of Bolillo Lacemakers, in the Gunpowder Garden (Next to the Craft Center of Murcia), organized in collaboration with the Association of Friends of the Bolillo of Murcia. April 2, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. With the participation of 150 artisans.
  • Regional Meat Pie Contest, organized in collaboration with AREPA, Murcia Association of Confectioners. Deadline for submitting applications from March 17 to April 15.
  • Exhibition “Another different way of living Holy Week” by Miniaturas Cófrades, Hermanos Simón. From March 28 to April 13. Inauguration, March 28 at 11 am.
  • Sewing workshop taught by Vayatela SL Monday, March 28, from 6 to 7:30 p.m.
  • Bread workshop taught by Francisco Javier Moreno. Andrés Baquero School of Murcia. 5 years. March 29, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
  • Painting workshop taught by Lidia Cassi. Tuesday, March 29, from 5:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
  • Pottery workshop taught by Verónica Maccorin. Wednesday, March 30, from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. and Saturday, April 2, from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
  • Art workshop taught by Andrea Lopardo. Wednesday, March 30 and Friday, April 1, from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
  • Sculpture workshop taught by Verónica Maccorin. Santo Ángel School 1st grade. March 31, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
  • Workshop on pictorial techniques on textiles by Andrea Lopardo. Saturday, April 2, from 11:15 a.m. to 1:15 p.m.

Lorca Craft Center Programming

  • Exhibition "Ceramics of new creation" at the Lorca Craft Center. With the participation of craft firms: La Cerámica de Águeda, Eolo Cerámica, Cerámicas Playá and Ginesa Albaladejo.
  • Exhibition of products in the showcase of "Orfebrería Tabil".
  • Pottery workshop with Martín Lario for the students of the S. Francisco de Asís school. March 28, from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
  • Modeling workshop with Rosa Mª Playá for the students of the Colegio S. Francisco de Asís. March 29, from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
  • Candle making workshop with Manuel Riera, for the students of the Colegio S. Francisco de Asís. March 31, from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
  • Pottery workshop with Martín Lario for the students of the Ana Caicedo School. April 1 From 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Cartagena Craft Center Program

  • Live demonstration of "TicTacToys". March 31, from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
  • Exhibition of products from the creative jewelery artisan firm “Émolo”.
  • Exhibition of products from the wooden jewelery and circular economy handbag firm called “Conartere”, María Teresa Correas.
  • Exhibition of products from the leather goods manufacturer José Bielsa.
  • Exhibition of "Miniatures Diaz" products, made up of military units and another with pieces of
    Easter Cartagena.
  • Exhibition of “Prometheus” products, Holy Week penitents.

Value crafts

This initiative is promoted by the School of Industrial Organization (EOI), a public foundation and the first business school in Spain, its area for the promotion of crafts, Fundesarte, and Oficio y Arte, the Organization of Artisans of Spain.

For a week, free activities will bring visitors and the curious of all ages closer to the sphere of craft creation. Fairs, open days in workshops, live demonstrations, exhibitions, children's activities... Seven days around crafts, in which artists who wish to show their creations and share their work procedures with the public are invited to participate.

The European Crafts Days have their origin in Les Journées Européennes des Métiers d'Art, which organizes in France the National Institute of Métiers d'Art (INMA) since 2002. Spain soon joined the project and both countries present a more extensive program of activities. This year, this holiday is celebrated simultaneously in 18 countries.


The Regional Craft Centers of the Region of Murcia have prepared a special program to celebrate Father's Day with the family, and find out about the gift proposals that the artisans of the Region of Murcia have prepared.

At the Regional Craft Center of Murcia, on March 18 at 7:00 p.m. we will have a free concert by Moy Gomar. The visitor will be able to taste products, sell craft beer and personalize their glasses with the master craftsman glass carver Pepe Reina.

As a novelty, a series of craft workshops have been scheduled for parents and children and others only aimed at children, in the centers of Murcia and Lorca:


  • Polymer clay workshop with Carmen Navarro, making a pendant or keyring.

    Aimed at parents and children.

    Price: €18 per couple.

    Date: March 18, from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

  • Toy workshop with Sergio Ros, elaboration of a dragon or lizard in foam rubber.

    Aimed at children.

    Price: €8.

    Date: March 18, from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

  • Art workshop, elaboration of a sculpture or painting with Andrea Lopardo.

    Aimed at children.

    Price: €12.

    Date: Friday, March 18, from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. and Saturday, March 19, from 11:15 a.m. to 1:15 p.m., aimed at parents and children at a cost of €15.

  • Pottery workshop with Verónica Maccorin.

    Aimed at parents and children.

    Price: €15 per couple.

    Date: March 19, from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

  • Leather goods workshop with José Bielsa.

    Aimed at children.

    Price: €8.

    Date and place: March 18, from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

  • Pottery workshop with Martín Lario.

    Aimed at parents and children.

    Price: €15 per couple.

    Date: March 19, from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

  • Live demonstration of miniatures with Díaz brothers.

    Date: Friday, October 18, from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

The Craft Centers commemorate International Women's Day with an open day and workshops

The Craft Center of Murcia celebrates a meeting with artisans from the Region on Monday to recognize their professional and creative work

The Craft Centers of Murcia, Cartagena and Lorca join the commemoration of International Women's Day with an open day on Monday and Tuesday, March 7 and 8, with activities such as an exhibition of products made by different craftswomen from the Region, free workshops, live demonstrations of trades, live music and gifts.

The General Director of Consumption and Crafts, Sonia Moreno, will hold a meeting on Monday at the Craft Center of Murcia with craftsmen and craftsmen from the Region to recognize their professional and creative work. It will be at 5:00 p.m. and the singer Yessi Rivera will perform. Previously, in that same space, from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., there will be a painting workshop taught by Andrea Lopardo; and in the afternoon, from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., Carmen Navarro will offer a jewelry workshop with polymer clay.

At the Regional Craft Center of Cartagena, on Monday, from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., there will be live demonstrations of the elaboration of marine knots; and in Lorca, from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., Rosa María Playá will hold a ceramic modeling workshop.

The open days will be held from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and from 5:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

Cartel de las actividades que celebran los Centros de Artesanía con motivo del Día Internacional de la Mujer.

Poster of the activities held by the Craft Centers on the occasion of International Women's Day.


The General Directorate of Consumption and Crafts has decided to relaunch a new proposal for children's craft workshops for children called "Great Murcian craftsmen teach small craftsmen", these workshops will be accompanied by a guided tour at the Murcia Regional Craft Center. Given the success they have had during the months of July and August.

These workshops will be held from Wednesday, September 1 to Monday, September 6, and are as follows:

Painting workshop taught by the versatile artist, Andrea Lopardo. Practical painting workshop focused on children with artistic interests, who wish to develop a personal project experiencing the learning of different techniques.

pottery workshop taught by the versatile craftswoman Verónica Maccorin, specialized in training. In this creation workshop, children will create their own handmade and personalized sculpture, having a direct experience with clay and observing its transformation, acquiring a new language related to crafts and arts,

Creative bread workshop, taught by Francisco Javier Moreno García, artisan baker. It is a manipulative and practical workshop that allows schoolchildren to learn about the process of making bread in an artisanal way, working with the materials that compose it (flour, sugar, eggs, chocolate), developing the sense of taste, smell, dexterity manual, motor skills and creativity, giving shapes to the dough, to create your bun with different shapes and observing how the ingredients are transformed through its preparation.

leather goods workshop, taught by Ángel Luis Molina Guillén. Plastic creation activity, in which it is intended that schoolchildren come into contact with this noble material such as leather, and experience the sensation of dealing with manual tools for embossing, to configure a bracelet with their hands and their imagination.

Bindery, taught by the craftsman Arcadio Hernández Campillo, in which the schoolchildren will work on binding techniques, working with the necessary tools to be able to make their own notebook.

The cost of each workshop will be €8 per child, the age range will be from 5 to 12 years, and the hours are as follows:

HOURS WEDNESDAY 09/01/21 THURSDAY 02/09/21 FRIDAY  03/09/21 MONDAY  06/09/21
10.00-12.00 Ceramics Paint leather goods leather goods
12.00-14.00 Bread Binding Ceramics Bread

The guided tour consists of three phases: Welcome, description of the different crafts that are developed in the Region and Regional Crafts Awards.

Registrations are made at the Murcia Regional Craft Center, located at Calle Francisco Rabal, 6 de Murcia (next to the Gunpowder Garden), telephone 968 35 75 37 or by email Group registration can be done.

The Murcia Craft Center is located in the heart of the city, next to the Salitre Garden (also known as the Gunpowder Garden). It is managed by the General Directorate of Consumption and Crafts, dependent on the Ministry of Business, Employment, Universities and Spokesperson. In it you can learn about and buy any product made by artisans officially registered in the Artisan Registry of the Region of Murcia. Enjoy activities such as temporary exhibitions, workshops, training courses or live demonstrations. Contemplate the Winning Works of the Regional Crafts Awards.

The schedule of the Crafts Centers of the Region of Murcia, is from Monday to Friday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and from 5 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Saturdays from 11:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. And closed Sundays.


The Murcia Craft Center is located in the heart of the city, next to the Salitre Garden (also known as the Gunpowder Garden). It is managed by the Directorate General for Consumption and Crafts, dependent on the Ministry of Business, Industry and Spokesperson

In it you can learn about and buy any product made by artisans officially registered in the Artisan Registry of the Region of Murcia. Free guided tours for groups where they will learn about the different crafts, as well as live demonstrations. Enjoy activities such as temporary exhibitions, workshops, training courses or live demonstrations. Contemplate the Winning Works of the Regional Crafts Awards.

HOURS: Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and from 5:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Saturdays 11:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Sundays closed. July and August Saturdays closed.

The guided tour consists of three phases:


The visit begins in the main room of the center, there is a presentation of the guide and the Regional Craft Center where we are.

From the main room you can see different pieces belonging to various craft trades and the multiple materials with which crafts are made are named. They are then invited to go up the ramps and observe the products that are found along the way.


A stop is made, where a brief explanation of the "Clay" is made, a raw material that represents the two trades that are explained below: Potters-ceramists, differentiates between different pieces and explains the characteristics of ceramic pieces and pottery pieces and the production process.

Traditional clay nativity scene: it is explained how another trade of great importance for the Region of Murcia is worked, the figures of nativity scene.

III. REGIONAL AWARDS AND HUERTANO CORNER: They cross the bridge that is located in the upper area of the Craft Center, and end in the area where the Regional Craft Awards and the Huertano Corner are located.

First, the different embroideries of the regional costumes are shown and later they are informed of the Regional Awards Contest that is held annually by the General Directorate responsible for Crafts, focusing on some award-winning pieces, specifically papier-mâché toys.

End of visit.

Check the following link for workshops for groups:


Information and bookings:

Murcia Craft Center

968 35 75 36
Francisco Rabal Street, 6 Murcia