June, 2019

18JunAll day18JulREGION OF MURCIA CRAFTSMANSHIP AWARDS 2019(All day) Murcia Craft Center, C/Francisco Rabal, 6, 30009 Murcia Organizer: Craft centers in the Region of Murcia


event details

The General Directorate of Commerce, Consumption and Administrative Simplification informs you that on June 18, 2019, the extract of the Order of the Ministry of Employment, Universities, Business and Environment by which the Awards are called has been published in the BORM of Crafts of the Region of Murcia.

The period to participate ends on July 18, 2019.

For this edition, it is worth noting the inclusion of three new categories: Artisans of the Bethlehem, artisans who make figures and accessories for the nativity scene. Food Artisans and New Talents, who join the five groups already in previous editions.

The categories for this edition are 8 and are the following:

1. The Regional Craft Award recognizes the set of a consolidated work and career.

2. The Artisan Product Award recognizes those artisan products or collections made and marketed in the two years prior to the date of publication of the summons.

3. The Artisan Entrepreneurship Award recognizes the entrepreneur or entrepreneurial company that has stood out for the introduction of new concepts in the artisan sector in any of the areas related to it, product, distribution, marketing, design, etc., recognizing their ability to provide innovative solutions.

4. The Promociona Artesanía Award for Private Entities recognizes private entities or organizations that present programs, campaigns or initiatives to promote handicrafts, carried out at least in the year prior to the date of publication of the summons order.

5. The Promociona Artesanía Award for Public Entities without financial endowment, recognizes public entities or organizations that present programs, campaigns or initiatives to promote handicrafts, carried out at least in the year prior to the date of publication of the order of announcement.

6. The Belén Artesano Award recognizes those artisan products or collections made and marketed in the two years prior to the date of publication of the Calling Order.

7. The Food Craft Award recognizes those artisans and their products that match the competitiveness factors according to the evaluation criteria set forth in Annex I.6 of this Order.

8. The New Talents Award recognizes those students who study at any School or University in the Region of Murcia according to the evaluation criteria set forth in Annex I.7 of this Order.

Regarding the requirements:

1. Have a productive establishment or activity center in the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia, or study at one of the Schools and/or Universities of the Region of Murcia, as the case may be.

2. For the Regional Craft, Craft Product, Entrepreneurship, Artisan Bethlehem and Food Craft awards, they must meet the requirements established in article 3.9 of Law 1/2014, of March 13, on Crafts in the Region of Murcia.

They will not be able to present themselves to the prizes.

Those who attend in some of the circumstances listed in article 13.2 of Law 38/2003, of November 17, General Subsidies, in the cases that are applicable.
That they are not up to date with their tax obligations and against Social Security.
Those who have been penalized by any of the Spanish public administrations, in the two years prior to the date of submission of the application.

Finally, the following documents are published as annexes to this notice: request and responsible declaration, Order of bases of April 17, 2019 and extract of the Order of summons.




June 18 (Tuesday) - July 18 (Thursday)


Murcia Craft Center

C/Francisco Rabal, 6, 30009 Murcia


Craft centers in the Region of Murcia