May, 2021

event details
Ismael Cerezo Ramírez, known as "Flyppy", registered in the artisan register since 1997, returns to the Murcia Regional Center for Crafts, a great stage for his work, since in
event details
Ismael Cerezo Ramírez, known as "Flyppy", registered in the artisan registry since 1997, returns to the Murcia Regional Craft Center, a great stage for his work, since on other occasions he has had a great success, being highly appreciated. by the Murcian public.
This is the fifth time that he has exhibited at this center and this time his exhibition is called “Flesh with eyes”, made up of all kinds of imaginary or real beings with flesh and eyes.
The inauguration will take place next Thursday, May 13 at 8:00 p.m., by the General Director of Consumption and Crafts, Sonia Moreno, and can be visited until mid-June, from Monday to Friday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and from 5 p.m. 8:30 p.m. and Saturdays from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
This exhibition sample is made up of more than sixty sculptural works, inspired by nature: trees, among them, a lemon-orange tree in homage to the Murcian orchard, cacti, fish, cats, jellyfish, squid, large flamingos, dragonflies, octopuses, dancers and a spectacular illuminated scolopendra four meters long that will welcome the visitor.
Flyppy, Ismael Cerezo Ramírez (Murcia 1967), with practically self-taught training (except for some courses at the Rectory, Barcelona or Granja de Segovia). Ismael learned about glass through the Majorcan Pere Ignasi, when he already had a long experience with iron. In Palma de Mallorca he would spend two years with him -1992 and 1993- in his workshop in S'Hostalot where they began to mix iron and glass in joint creations. Upon his return to Murcia, Ismael opened a workshop and continued working with glass.
The pieces signed by Flyppy give us the vision of those who work with glass with a professional concept, commissioned, with creative independence but subject to the market. In these works, the presence of the glass material prevails over any other reading or interpretation.
"Spontaneity" is what I like most when working with glass. «It's very immediate, you don't have to wait for it to dry, like ceramics, nor do you need a mold, like in the case of bronze; here everything is more spontaneous and allows you to improvise».
And for more than three decades now he has been working with these materials, which combine hardness and fragility, to create lamps and sculptures of plants or animals and insects –some of them luminous, to enhance “the play of glass with light”– such as ladybugs , spiders, herons, fish, bulls, owls, butterflies... Beings that "come out of the 'intraser'", sometimes even without having thought of them before. "There are pieces that are thought about, that are drawn before they are carried out and others that are not", and adds that the key to not copying oneself is "never stop experimenting".
Pieces in which color, the mix of shades, takes on great importance; In fact, I started working with glass "by chance, looking for something to give color to the works." Now, with experience in tow, they say that the most important thing when working with it is "knowing how to make it profitable, because it is an expensive material."
Contemplating the work of Ismael Cerezo is quite a gymnastic exercise for the neurons; the juxtaposition of materials and techniques, the hard and coarse iron and the fragile and transparent glass, the hammer on the metal and the air blown into the heat of the oven.
In Flyppy's workshop, the burning paste becomes an insect, which turns into a firefly-lamp. The iron embraces the glass, which abandons itself to its warm embrace, and the sparks released when welding fill the workshop of this artist of color and movement. The inert material comes to life at the hands of the artists, who rescue, recycle and resolve the future of an abandoned iron to which chance has wanted to grant one last privilege.
A master in the domain of iron and glass, between the two of them they have created a universe full of bugs, lamps, furniture and public and private installations; sculptor who masterfully combine iron and glass to create forms and creatures that our imagination can hardly accept or conceive. Think the most utopian to turn it into the most original reality. It is not a contradiction, but the essence that spills its sculptural elements or, let's say it another way, its pieces of broken iron and informal glass, transformed into sculptures brimming with elegance and creativity.
Since 1990, it has participated in more than a hundred exhibitions both nationally (Murcia, Cartagena, Lorca, Caravaca de la Cruz, Madrid, Barcelona, Palma de Mallorca, Jaén, Alicante, among others), and internationally (Toulouse and Andorra ).
May 13 (Thursday) - June 8 (Tuesday)
Murcia Craft Center
C/Francisco Rabal, 6, 30009 Murcia
Craft centers in the Region of Murcia