February, 2021

event details
Taught by Andrea Lopardo Wednesdays from February to June, from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. €36/month (without materials) Murcia Craft Center 968 35 75 37
event details
Taught by Andrea Lopardo
Wednesdays from February to June, from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
€36/month (without materials)
Murcia Craft Center
968 35 75 37
An approach to artistic practice from the volume, which begins with modeling and can be extended to other techniques. The classes will be fundamentally practical and supported by specific explanations that the teacher will give.
The classes vary from person to person since I consider that not everyone has the same creative interests and above all because each person expresses himself in a different way, depending on each way of being.
We will work from a natural, photographic or imaginary model, which will help us to learn the technique and trade, and from which we will be able to make our own reading.
All the necessary procedures will be addressed until reaching the finishes of the work to carry out, finally, the emptying techniques and patinas on it.
Throughout each session, each student will model at their own pace and according to their interests and will also carry out the exercises that the teacher considers appropriate for their training and that they will propose as they progress.
The main objective of the workshop is to pretend that the student is the protagonist of his own work, which, in turn, becomes a free personal projection of his own emotions, which he will be able to express from the basic notions of volume following his own style. .
Learn and develop the tools and techniques necessary to understand the characteristics of sculpture.
Analyze and experiment with general aspects of three-dimensional language (focused on their own interests) such as elements of volume, composition, harmony of form, expression, figuration-abstraction, modeling invoice...
Develop an analytical look.
Awaken creativity through artistic examples of today's world and encourage personal reinterpretation, discovering new communication strategies through the sculptural experience. The progressive teaching of volume and its different expressions provide the student with a new spatial dimension, which they are not used to taking into account and which opens up endless artistic possibilities.
Young people and adults without the need for previous experience, interested in art. All the necessary procedures will be addressed until reaching the finishes of the work, to carry out, finally, the emptying techniques and patinas on it.
The classes in the workshop are individualized and are aimed at both beginners and people who already have previous experience.
The teaching of different techniques applied to sculpture will be an incentive for the creation of unique pieces. Being able to advance in the three-dimensional world to the limits set by the student himself. The idea is to set the class in a cultural framework that serves as a common thread to learn the technique and raise their artistic capacity.
Modeling in Plasticine
The modeling will be guided and studied through photographs, natural or invented. After finalizing the details, you will choose to give it the firmness primer or, if you wish, the piece will be emptied and reproduced in a more definitive material.
Venetian Mask Technique
Different figures can be created, not just masks, through techniques as old as the “cartapesta”. Very similar techniques were used to make Fallas monuments in Valencia. Specifically, the course consists of learning how to reproduce a work on paper and cardboard starting from a plaster mold and achieving a professional finish.
Plaster Carving Technique
It consists of recutting a plaster block with the specific tools, providing it and composing it with the greatest possible detail. Give it the final finish and leave it ready to paint or patina.
February 10 (Wednesday) 5:30 pm - June 19 (Saturday) 7:30 pm
Murcia Craft Center
C/Francisco Rabal, 6, 30009 Murcia
Craft centers in the Region of Murcia