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Non-profit association, which after more than 50 years of experience continues to learn and advance in the understanding of human diversity, its value and dignity, hand in hand with the people who make up the service: staff, users and families. They intend to carry out a support function on the path towards the social inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities, serving as a resource for the promotion of personal and social autonomy, and carrying out work to defend rights and raise social awareness. In their action they develop programs with and for the users of our services, which can influence the development of personal life projects, through enriching experiences, training actions and the necessary assistance for adequate access to all of them, as a way of contribution to the improvement of the living conditions of the people who come to its services together with the satisfaction that they experience; Ultimately, its objective is the provision of formal support aimed at improving the quality of life of the people who use its services. Within its educational and occupational program there are different artisan workshops such as the potter's.
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