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Fundación Prometeo was born in 2008 with the following goals for the group of people with disabilities: assistance and social inclusion; promotion of social action; promotion and attention to people at risk of exclusion for physical, social or cultural reasons. In 2017, the Prometeo Special Employment Center was included within the Foundation. Its main objective is the labor and social integration of people with disabilities through work. The workers of the same, in addition to developing a productive, remunerated job that is appropriate to their personal characteristics, are assured of the therapy and personal and social adjustment services that they require according to their individual characteristics. In addition to other services, the CEE Prometeo has an artisan workshop that is part of the Murcia Region Crafts network where different ornamental products are made: - Religious Imagery, these are pieces or sets of pieces that represent religious figures with the theme of Bethlehem, Holy Week... - Trophies both for sporting events and for celebrations of other entities (musical, theatrical associations...) - Plant pots - Ornamental pieces (windmills, candle holders,...) - Details for ceremonies and celebrations - Agendas and notebooks - … These products are made by the workers of the Prometheus Foundation Special Employment Center and users of the Prometheus Association's Day Center. Each product is UNIQUE and DIFFERENT. We do not seek PERFECTION, if not, the ORIGINALITY and CREATIVITY of its creators.
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