September, 2018

25SepAll dayFORMACARM COURSES(All day: Tuesday) Murcia Craft Center, C/Francisco Rabal, 6, 30009 Murcia


event details

Distance training through Internet access, also called on-line training, eTraining or eLearning, enables access to certain training activities for all those people who for whatever reason cannot attend a study centre.

We can say that eTraining is that training modality that uses, almost exclusively, Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) during the entire learning process, taking advantage of the ease provided by the Internet and its communication tools both to access both for training materials and for creating an interactive environment for learning.

If you want more information you can access through this link:

There are numerous advantages that eFormation offers students, among which we can highlight: ¿Avoid traveling to a study center to attend classes. Follow the course at their own pace: even if they have a maximum time to complete the course, the student can stop at the contents that interest them the most or are more complicated, repeating them as many times as necessary, as well as dedicating less time to the that you already know Have multimedia training content: texts, still images, animations, videos and sound. This allows greater depth in the acquisition and assimilation of knowledge, since it comes through multiple channels. Know their degree of use, through the interactions that will be carried out during the course. Promote self-learning since the student takes an active role in the process of acquiring knowledge. In this sense, the promotion of autonomy and initiative in the search for information promotes skills and abilities that can later be used in the world of work.

The form@carm eTraining platform aims to bring and extend, free of charge, a certain training offer to the entire Region of Murcia, making online courses related to different subjects available to citizens, especially those related to ICT (Internet, office automation, web design and programming, business tools,…). At the end of each course, a certificate of completion is issued from the platform itself.

The Regional Employment and Training Service of the Region of Murcia participates in this action to collaborate in obtaining quality training content and to facilitate the use of it by certain groups in our society, such as the unemployed and active workers.

form@carm is a project managed by the Integra Foundation and financed by the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia and the European Union, through ERDF funds.


All day (Tuesday)


Murcia Craft Center

C/Francisco Rabal, 6, 30009 Murcia